Thirty Nine

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I had been working all day in my office, I had only left to join a photoshoot and an interview with George and Lewis.

I did my best to keep them booked at all times, the more they were booked, the more I could show them to the world on wider platforms.

I jumped at the sound of a knock on my door.
I took off my glasses and looked up.

Charles peaked his head inside with a small smile. "Permission to come in?" Charles asks and I nod with a smile.

I get up from my chair and Charles comes over to press his lips to mine. A soft kiss.

"What are you doing?" Charles asks as he sees the mess on my desk

"I was just finishing, did we have a date I forgot about?" I ask confused as to why he was here.

"No, I just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you all day" Charles says and I smile.

"Thank you" I say and pull him into another kiss, I deepen the kiss. His sweetness turned me on.

Charles pulls away shortly to lock the door and I smirk. He comes back and crashes his lips onto mine. I pull away to pull his Ferrari polo over his head.

I bite my lip hungrily as I take in my boyfriends appearance. "Fuck" Charles muttered before crushing his lips onto mine once again.

Charles moved me into my desk and began to tug at my shirt. I let him pull it over my head and then worked on his jeans.

I opened the buttons and he worked on mine, opening them in record time.

I stroke his hard member as he grows in my hand, I stop myself from moaning at his size. I couldn't ever get enough of him.

Charles dips his finger into my wet throbbing pussy. I needed him to badly. He groans as he feels how wet I was.

He couldn't take it and he ripped my panties in half and swooped everything off of my desk, before lifting me up on it.

Charles pulled my pants completely off and he released his hard cock.

I let a small whimper escape as I saw him rock hard. Charles groaned as I spread my legs.

He bended over and shocked me as he started licking me. He licked my wetness up, creating a new pool.

He ate me up and I moaned loudly and tugged at his hair.

"Fuck, Charles" I moan just before I came, Charles raised from my heat and started kissing up my stomach, without warning he pushing himself inside me.

I moaned loudly, so loud that Charles slapped his hand over my mouth as he started thrusting into me.

I moaned into his hand and felt my eyes roll into the back of my head.

He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer as he slammed harder into me.

I was a moaning mess, I came hard on his hard dick, he didn't slow down once.

"C-Charles" I whispered as he was about to make me come again.

"One more" Charles grunted and licked his lips hungrily. I arched my back and leaned back on my desk.

Charles ran his hand from my neck, down between my breasts, my stomach, to my clit.

He started messaging the nub and I moaned. My walks were clenching around his hard length as he kept slamming into me.

"Fuck!" I screamed but Charles slammed his hand over my mouth once again before I let everyone in the Mercedes home know Charles was here.

"Shhh" Charles whispered and I whimpered once again. He fucked me so hard that I almost screamed when he reached his high too.

Charles rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breaths once again.

"Je t'aime" Charles said softly. I smiled and cupped his face. "Moi aussi, je t'aime" I whisper and Charles smiles and kiss the palm of my hand.

We cleaned up and walked out hand in hand.

I found my person. I wasn't in doubt anymore. Charles was my last.

"We have dinner with Lena and Pierre" Charles suddenly said. "What? I'm not ready at all" I say panicked. "—In an hour" Charles says with a grin.

I glare at him and scoff. "Be careful, Leclerc. I might beat you on the way back to the hotel" I call out as we both unlock our cars.

Charles smirks before walking back up to me. "I would love to see that" Charles retorted and captured my lips with his.

I giggled and kissed him back. When I pulled away I hurried to my car and backed out of the parking spot. Charles let me drive out first and followed closely behind me in his Ferrari.

We raced to the hotel, I won. Of course. We showered and got ready together.

"Uh, we're matching. Did you plan this?" I ask Charles and raise an eyebrow.

We both wore red. Him a dark red blazer and pants and a white button up shirt.

I wore a dark red satin dress and red heels.

"Maybe..." Charles said and trailed off. I laughed and shook my head at him as I put in my earrings.

"You look amazing" Charles said and kissed my shoulder from behind.

"Do we have time?" Charles asks and I glance at my watch. "Not exactly we're already late" I say with a small laugh.

"Shit" Charles curses and I chuckle. We grab our things before leaving in his car.

We arrive at the restaurant and I immediately spot Lena. She squeals in excitement as she sees us. She pulls me into a hug and peck my lips.

I laugh and as we pull away I hug Pierre tightly before sitting down.

Dinner was great, Lena and I pissed off both Pierre and Charles.

Pierre had hoped that Charles would bring some maturity into my head, he thought wrong.

We only got another victim to our schemes. Pierre was slowly realizing that as he for the fifth time that night facepalmed.

While Charles remained confused and sarcastic.

Lena and I had fun!

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