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We had arrived two hours ago at the club Pierre gave us the address to.

I had yet to find the hot driver from earlier, but I found myself some entertainment.

"George. Do the shots right or else I will take them for you. It's a waste!" I shout at George Russell for the millionth time.

He wasn't drinking them properly and spilled everywhere. He was so drunk.

"I'm sorryyyy, Daniella" George whined and I just laughed at him.

"Come on! One more round!" I shout and Lewis and George groans.

"I can't" Lewis says drunkenly.

"Come on, don't be pussies" I shout with a laugh and Lena runs up to me.

"I'll do shots with you!" She shouts and I cheer and we do the drivers' shots as well.

"Lena, theres someone I want you to meet" Pierre says and put his hand on Lena's lower back and I continue with drinking shots without her.

"This is Lando, Luisa and Daniel" Pierre introduces. I stop taking shots and shake their hands as Lena gestured to me.

I put the glass in my mouth and put my head back and drink it without touching it, in one go.

I let the glass fall into my hands and Luisa cheers at me. "Nice to meet you" I say and smile.

"That was awesome, teach me!" Daniel shouts like a child and I chuckle.

"You can count on it" I tell him and wink. "I'm in!" Lando says and clap his hands together and Luisa repeats she in.

Lena, Pierre and I took it upon ourselves to teach the others how to do shots in our style.

We stood on a line in front of each other and shared a look as we did them again. Everyone succeeded and slammed their glasses onto the table and cheered loudly. "Beautiful!" I shout and whistle loudly.

"We're dancing" Luisa says and pulls me to the dance floor. I take her hand and we dance together. Pierre and Lena were dancing on their own and Luisa just ditched Lando for me.

"Are you familiar with the drivers?" I ask Luisa while dancing. We danced closely.

"Well, I have all their names and faces memorized. What do you want to know?" Luisa asks with a wink.

"I saw this brunette guy today, real flirter. I was just curious" I say and smile shyly as Luisa cheers.

"Tell me more, what did he wear? Did he wear his team colors?" Luisa asks.

"Well, the first time he was wearing normal clothes. But the second time he wore a red shirt" I say and hope it helps her.

"Was he brunette or more like dark black haired?" Luisa asks. "Brunette, he had a stubble, big smile and a killer jaw" I say and she laughs at me.

"Is it him?" Luisa asks and nods behind me. I turn around and see him walk in. I smile and turn around to face Luisa once again.

"Yeah, that's him. Who is he?" I ask her curious.

"That's Charles Leclerc. I would stay away from him if I were you" Luisa says with a small smile.

"Oh? Why is that?" I ask her confused.

"He just got out of a bad relationship. He might've been smiling at you, but he's a major player. He's been a nightmare to be around lately. Lando and Carlos complain all the time" Luisa says and I frown.

"Oh" I say and tear my gaze away from him as he greets the drivers at the VIP tables.

"I hope it's okay to tell you this, it's just, he's been sleeping with a lot of girls lately and then he dumps them, you seem nice, so I don't want to see you become one of them" Luisa says and I nod with a smile.

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