Twenty Seven

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I had packed up my stuff last night and now we had just arrived in Azerbaijan.

"Is Leclerc trying to get you to change teams yet?" Lewis asks me as we sit in the car to the hotel.

"No, and he won't guys. He's not like that" I say with a small laugh trying to convince them.

"Sure, not yet" Lewis retorts with a teasing laugh.

"Shut up. Get ready for those interviews. I worked my ass off to get you them!" I exclaim and both drivers laughs at me.

"G, how is Carmen doing?" I ask him and he turns to me with a smile.

"She doing good, she's very busy right now, but she will join the next race after this one" George says and I nod.

"That's good, I can't wait to see her again" I say and George smiles at me.

For the next days leading up to the race, I was so busy I barely had any time to see Charles.

With the big interviews and everything going on, it was hectic. But Charles understood and didn't give me a hard time about it.

We updated each other on everything we did. We had separate rooms, it was still new and the principals didn't know about us.

I open my door with a groan and drop all the files and papers I had in my hands.

"Fuuuuuuck!" I groan and slam the door after me. I throw my bag and drop to the ground and start to gather the files and papers.

"Dani? What are you doing?" Charles asks me amused as he sees me.

"What are you doing? How did you get in?" I ask confused. I did lock the door when I left earlier.

"I have my ways, let me help you" he says and drops to the floor as well and helps me with the papers.

"Thank you" I say in relief as we place the papers on the desk in the hotel room I had.

"Did you do good in practice today?" I ask as I turn to him and place my hands around his neck. He pulls me into a kiss before answering.

"Yes, I got a good time. Fourth best ever on this track" Charles says proudly and I smile and peck his lips once again.

"That's great! I'm sorry I couldn't see you today, I had to be at this photo shoot with the guys and then the interviews" I start ranting and Charles just chuckles at me.

"Don't be sorry, it's your job. I'm doing mine as well" Charles says and pull me closer.

He shuts me up by crashing his lips on mine and I feel myself relaxing instantly.

"Babyyyy! Are you ready! Cause we're—" I hear Lena's voice shout and my door bursts open and she pauses as she sees us.

I pull away and turn to her. "Nice, guys. But you're gonna have to wait because we have girls night tonight, did you forget?" Lena asks me as she walks in.

I groan and let my head rest on Charles' chest. Charles chuckles and run a hand through my hair.

"I'm so tired! I just wanna stay in" I say with a whine and drop to the couch.

"Nuh-uh. I just finished work for today, you're coming with me, I don't care" Lena retorts before throwing herself on the couch as well.

"Charles, this is not for you. You can go hang out with Pierre or something" Lena says and usher him out of the room.

I wave goodbye at him and he rolls his eyes at my lack of attempt to stop her.

"Lena, I'm so tired. I can't get drunk, not with how tired I am. It's gonna be a disaster" I tell her and she just smirks at me.

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