[ANOTHER-WORLD ARC] Chapter 22: Route 99 and the Mysterious Cell Tower.

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Minutes and Sonic walked through the streets, and yet there were no signs of life. He looked up and saw a tall-looking Radio tower, and he a whistle.

''Phew... Now, this amuses me!''

Sonic began approaching close to the tower, and then a loud alarm would, Sonic reached with a disappointed look. ''Oh uh. Not this again...''

Alarms hit, A New wave of Badniks began rushing at Sonic at their high-speeds, it seemed like they were rivaling Sonic's speed.

''Oh..! Shoot..!'' said with a frightened look.

Sonic speeded up from his stand and were running away from them. Badniks began to chase him. They did put a good race to the blue hedgehog, but then suddenly Sonic tricked them by running in circles and destroying each of them,  and bird-like figures came out of the Badniks.

Sonic shrugged. ''What... Flickies?!''

They looked innocent though, one of them was putting to that odd-looking Radio tower.

''Hmm... Looks like there's something going on...''

He then turned and looked at the broken window, it was a reflection of him. ''I look so glowy.''

Sonic patted his heart. ''Come on..  where's everyone.. maybe back then what I said, was right.. Run away.''

The Flickies heard his words and were saddened by his reality, but as Sonic was about to take his steps, and looked at their sorrow. ''I can't just be sad every day..! I must find a way..! that's the way I'll find my friends, and my family too!''

He leaped around the buildings, and reached the Radio tower, it looked pale-white, and Sonic could feel the menacing feel of this building. ''Not even sure what I'll find it there, but I gotta give it a shot.''

It looked like an empty hallway, only an empty room, with only upstairs, Sonic gulped. ''What even is that place..''

Sonic kept taking his steps and reached the stairs. as he tried to step his foot up, a noise would be heard from him. ''Huh..?!''

He kept his calmness and decide to take forward to the second room. The Second room would be slightly lighter, and Sonic saw more Badniks, they looked way more gruesome, compared to the previously seen Badniks.

''Come on... I could already tell that these were Eggman's robots..!'' Sonic took a heavy stomp to the ground, giving a threat to these Badniks.

Their eyes glowed in red, and they began charging toward him, as Sonic easily avoided their attacks and sent one to the ground. 

Sonic began fighting them, destroying all of them with no ease, but Sonic got tired of them.

''They just keep getting more and more..!''  said while panting.

Badniks never gave on him, they started to surround him, putting Sonic in a more harsh situation. ''Since when did he make them act more intelligently..?''

''Oh.. well... One thing, that they will never learn.'' Sonic gave them a grin.

He clutched his fist and began generating wind energy from his fist, and a wind burst would power one of Sonic's hands. ''SOARING...'''

''FIST!"'  Sonic released a burst, the wind explosive like fist sent all of them destroyed by a dangerous twister. 

He'd be cleaning himself after that. ''Soaring... First.. it helped me twice so far, but its power limits me to only use for 3 times a day.''

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