[ANOTHER-WORLD ARC] Chapter 27: A Trio.

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The three of them were walking around the hallway, it seemed that there was not a single guard in that area, It made Knuckles feel so nervous about this situation.

''It's strange. There's not a single breathing toy in that area, what do you think of this..?''

''As you said, you're right Knuckles. It's supposed to be well guarded, right..?''

''Let's keep proceeding, It's better to act hurry and gather the two emeralds that we lost.'' Dijon said.

''You're right, Bud..! we won't let any of emeralds be handed by those jerks, let's go..!'' Knuckles was up with an optimistic.

''I had something in my head.'' Amy suddenly stopped.

''Yeah.. like what..?'' Knuckles were questioned by Amy, while Dijon kept walking in forward.

''How do we find any of the emeralds that were taken from you two, have this been stuck into your head, Knuckles... Dijon..?"'

He pointed to him. ''Hey, keep pace with us..!''

''Oh, sorry.'' Dijon reduced his walking speed.

''Let's just... Go.'' She gave a sigh.

''It seemed like there's the only way where those emeralds go, They are now with the King, it's obvious. As that King needs them.''

So, the Team continued walking and they looked upstairs, they were on the second floor. As they began to take a step, they have seen a bunch of guards patrolling the area, so they took hid.

Knuckles whispered to them. ''This is no good, it seems there's no other way of passing through them, shall we beat them up..?''

She disagreed with him. ''That's just dumb... you can't just blindly go and strike on them, it's just not wise.''

He kept looking at the guards. ''Amy is right, however.. there's a second act I could think of.''

''Oh, that's the way.'' Amy seemed to be interested in his planning.

''But however, I only have that oversized wristwatch and a sword, so we'll take Knuckles's advice.'' 

''Aargh..! You guys are just a pain in the gut..!'' Amy seems to be irritated by his reply, but however.. deep down she sees it as the only way of doing it.

They both confronted those toy soldiers, and Knuckles and Dijon were ready to strike.

''We are here to demolish some toys..!'' Knuckles went into his position.

''INTRUDERS..!'' The toy-like soldiers charged, they used their spears as a weapon and tried to stab them.

He went first, while Dijon was the second, The fists went over them, destroying the toy in one hit. The second toy was destroyed by one hit too, as Dijon just sliced them in half.

''That's all..?'' He pointed his sword into the mess they'd made.

''So, say... Amy.. you can fight..?'' Knuckles looked at her.

''Well, I do. With my trusty hammer.'' 

''You do remember that we got all of our possessions confiscated, right..?'' He made a  pretty righteous face.

''That's actually the thing I wanted to talk about. Sure the emeralds are now with the King, but my Hammer is still somewhere else..?''

Knuckles took a shrug. ''Can't you like.. Just make it appear, like how you always do.''

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