As Dijon lost consciousness, he then was floating in the middle of a deep ocean, his eyes were closed. And he didn't move, it was a question, of whether this place existed as a part of his other dream, or not. He kept sinking deeper into the abyss, yet there was no response. It felt like his life really took a deep dive, not knowing what will await him next. But then a light appeared, it made the entire depth seen as a bright spot, and so the light absorbed into Dijon, and he was transported. That light woke him up, He found himself being inside a submarine ship.
It made him question reality. ''Did I die..?''
Suddenly, a voice can be heard from a front view. ''More of being the subconscious state of your mind, and what you see.. is a mere representation.''
He moved his hand closer to his heart. ''If I were there, then.. what's going around me, will my friends be alright..?''
''There's nothing to worry about it, your friends are safe and sound. However.. you must proceed with your current life.''
The Man did come off, he was standing there with his cane. ''Of course.. you must push forward... Wild Balancer.''
He'd be shocked. ''Wait.. you're that old guy... we surely did meet somewhere earlier, yeah..?''
''I was the one who aided you, surely a piece of great news... that you accomplished of protecting your dear town, but... you didn't conquer fate.''
Looked down. ''Yeah... guess I wasn't that strong of a guy, now... everyone is suffering this. Just from that one selfish scientist.''
That guy scratched his muzzle. ''No need to look down, there's an opportunity for you, You must stop that man at once, but.. first. I need to introduce the place that we currently exist on.''
He moved his both hands in the upper-hand direction. ''This is the Anima Zone..! The Place.. of Everyone's irrational part of a person as contrasted with the rational animus!
Dijon kept moving his head around the whole place. ''So, how come such a powerful-sounding place can have an appearance look like this.''
''This ''place'' that you refer to can differ throughout a person's different view, sometimes it can be an airplane, a restaurant, or even a museum. You see.. just said as before, The Place of everyone's irrational part of a person's contrasted rational animus.''
''I may get it now, and what does that represent to me..?''
He took a clap. ''Cause... of your current situation. They took your freedom away, and so it was you in imprisonment, and your life dives into the abyss, and it keeps sinking deeper, but don't worry... you must do it quickly..! Before it gets too late.''
''You're right, Old Man.. I'll do it. I will always face a way to get off the thing I hate most, being locked up..!'' Dijon raised his hand in full confidence.
The figure smiled in excitement. ''That's the spirit..! And... I do have a name, you know..?''
''Hm, cause you never did say it..?''
''Ah, where are my manners? My name is... Aeon and I'll be glad to know more about you, Wild Balancer.. it seems that our time is closing shortly, and there's one thing you must know. Dr.Eggman is not a fool. His intelligence goes far beyond what you can expect for, he really expected you to refuse his offer, so be cautious about his actions from now on, and.. there's one way of beating him, which is to not fight him for alone... But to cooperate, and finish him off. It sounds quite simple for you, as you'd use it up, for one of your teammates.. was it was.. Knuckles isn't..?''
Sonic The Hedgehog: Dark-Bright
FanfictionAfter Sonic and his friends defeated Dr. Eggman, they finally found a moment of peace in a world free from danger. For a year, they enjoyed the tranquility of their hard-won victory. But their peace was shattered by the arrival of the Deminins, a si...