[PILOT ARC] Chapter 15: Carnival oddities

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Argo has taken Cream hostage, but out of surprise he talked to her in a strange carnival that was announced a few hours ago, it was a bit sudden but still... Sonic's friends also knew about that, including Sonic himself, but before that...

Sonic was minding his business, he was sitting on his couch and was thinking about tomorrow, since of his full recovery from his injuries.

Suddenly Tania would run to his room. ''Brother! listen... Carnival is about to set in our town! in hours away! please.. this is my last chance to check around, and see cool performances..!''

Sonic would turn his head to her. ''Oooh... I'm interested in that too! Hey... even if our parents are away, I can still take you a fun ride to it.''

Her eyes would shine in sparkles. ''Really?! you're the best bro!''

Tania hugged Sonic, while he just smiled. ''You better dress up, Tania... while then.. I'll call a bunch of my friends.''

''Okay!'' Tania then ran off to her room.

Sonic then had a talk with all of his friends from emerald town, seemed only Amy and Dijon were active, and he'd agreed to go to that Carnival.

As time went on, they both gathered at the place, it seemed neon lights would make that huge platform colorful while surrounding an abandoned building.

''Sup... Ames.'' Sonic was standing here with his fancy sunglasses, while Tania wore similar sunglasses too. Pretty much mimicking his style.

''Sure I do look cool with these sunglasses?'' Sonic would fix up his sunglasses, right?

''Hey... you look cool with these sunglasses, Sonic!'' she'd also stumble across, that Sonic is together with Tania.

''Oh, you must be Sonic's litter sister, Tania right...?'' She looked at Tania.

''You're right, say.. you're one of Sonic's friends?'' 

''Of course, I am..! one of Sonic's besties no less.'' she'd cheered up a bit.

While both Amy and Tania chattered up, Sonic stood there, watching the skies.. but it seemed something was wrong.

''Sonic... are you bothered..?'' Amy questioned him.

''N-no! I was.. just thinking about if Dijon going actually appear at this carnival.''

''I see... maybe he is late.''

Amy looked at her watch. ''1 minute, till this carnival gonna hit wild.''

Tania couldn't keep her smile up, while Sonic was a bit serious.

The timer hit 12:00 PM, it was the time. An old guy with an old mustache appeared in the crowd, he was standing on the oval-looking platform. 

''Good evening, everyone! it's good to see you, whole folks.. witnessed this Carnival set on a strange house, somebody told me it was cursed, BUT NO ONE KNOWS! today.. you'll witness this.. a set of never parade of joy!''

That Old guy left the platform and set the scenes of parades, some of them were based around the cursed home, but mostly they were set on being comedic type parades.

Meanwhile, the two Deminins would tie Cream and force her to see the parade.

That one liquid deminin questioned Agro. ''Dude.. not sure why taking a random child, and taking to a carnival, is seen as soul-taking.''

''Listen... Liqo! we should talk about our plans, after this Carnival.. then we will have to do with her... we truly have a better plan, than previously failed Deminins.''

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