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Y/N P.O.V.

I was walking around my cage or 'home' if you'll call it. I had just got done with a mission from Hydra, and as usual I got drugged again to be stronger. I took a seat on the floor and threw the ball at the wall and catching it, this repeated for a few minutes until the alarms went off. I quickly got up and noticed a lot of guards running around yelling at each other to get into position.

"Your coming with me devil, don't even think about doing something stupid. Unless you want some punishment." I heard my master say when she approached my cage, I could only nod since they have put a mouth guard on me. She punched in the code and gave me my weapon and proceeded to walk in front of me.

I could hear commotion from outside the base, from being a super soldier. Before we stepped outside she turned around and glared before lifting up her hands, I flinched and closed my eyes. "Don't fail me, or you'll get punished my love." She said calmly while caressing my cheeks. I nodded and made my way past her and outside, only to be greeted by the cold wind and the stench of blood.

S.H.I.E.L.D agents are breaching our base fast, which only means the Avengers are here as well. I noticed the winter soldier and captain America is approaching faster so I mad my way to try and slow them down. I quickly ran towards the pair and jumped onto the soldiers back and choked him with my bow, he flipped me over and he lifted up his fist but flinched when he noticed who he was on top of. A look of recognization, and guilt was on his face.

So he does remember me.

I used that time and knees him hard in the dick, and kicked him off to the side. Only to be thrown across by the walking banner himself, I could see him checking on his partner before telling the agents to keep going. I pulled my self together and pulled out my own shield, I raised my eyebrows in a mocking way of telling to come get me.

Which he obviously did.

"Who are you?" He grunted when both our shields collided, I swiftly pushed him off and sweeper him off his feet. Before he could reach the floor I kicked him hard across the head knocking him out. Knowing I had more Avengers to defeat I made my way back to winter traitor- soldier. He looked at me in fear, he slowly stepped up with both hands in front of him.

"Y/n it's me, Bucky. Remember, I know I prom- ugh!" I quickly grabbed his metal arm and used my strength the tear it off, and smacked him across the head. Ending up just like captain, knocked out.

'Devil, you got three more to go. Hawkee is in the trees, the black widow and the witch is on the west side of the base. Repeat west side of base.'

I heard one of the generals speak into my ears I made my way over to the west wing, while making sure I can find bird boy in the trees. I noticed the further I got to the west the quieter it got, there was no one but the stench of blood was getting close.

An ambush.

I felt my legs go out due to pain, I look down to see two arrows. One on each. I pull them out swiftly and look back up to see the widow charging at me, I ducked and kicked her from behind making her stumble. I heard a thud behind me, "we have you surrounded Devil." I turned around to see bird boy and play boy pointing there weapons at me. I look back to see black widow and the witch smirking at me, I tilted my head and thought of the many outcomes this situation can lead to.

Of course I will lose, but let's have a lil fun shall we. I fell to the ground acting as if I was exhausted and when bird boy came to tie me up I quickly threw a flash bomb and grabbed one of my knife from my boots, and slashed both his thighs and threw a knife at the flying robot. Dead center. By the time they got there visions back arrow head and play boy where in the floor.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now