New trick and a play date

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Y/n P.O.V.

My heart raced as I stood at the entrance of the Hydra base, my powers surging through my veins. The air crackled with energy, and I  knew it was time to put my abilities to the test. With powers akin to the Scarlet Witch but even more potent, I possessed an arsenal of abilities that made them a formidable force.

As I stepped forward, Hydra soldiers surrounded me, their weapons aimed and ready. Without hesitation, I raised my hands, summoning the telekinetic powers. The soldiers were lifted off the ground, suspended in mid-air as my eyes glowed with raw power. With a flick of my wrist, the soldiers were sent hurtling into walls, their weapons disarmed and useless.

But I knew that defeating them one by one would take too long. That's when a new surge of power rushed through my body—a power they hadn't tapped into before. I felt my essence splitting, duplicating themselves into three identical clones. Each clone shared my fiery determination and strength.

The Hydra soldiers, bewildered by the sudden multiplication, tried to regain their composure. But before they could react, the clones leaped into action. My main form stayed back, weaving intricate gestures with my hands to harness my reality-altering powers. Meanwhile, the clones, infused with the newfound ability to mimic opponents' fighting styles, engaged the Hydra soldiers in combat.

With each strike, the clones adapted to the soldiers' movements, flawlessly mirroring their opponents' techniques. It was as if  the clones had trained alongside these soldiers, learning their every move and predicting their actions. The Hydra soldiers found themselves facing their own tactics, their attacks used against them.

While the clones battled with the soldiers, my main form concentrated on manipulating reality. I  extended my hand, fingers curled as I unleashed a wave of energy. The walls of the base trembled, cracking and crumbling under the force. The Hydra soldiers were thrown off balance, their focus disrupted as debris rained down upon them.

Seeing the chaos, I seized the opportunity. My clones leaped forward, delivering swift blows to the disoriented soldiers. Each strike was precise, leaving the soldiers defenseless against the onslaught. The clones fought with calculated efficiency, dismantling their opponents with ease.

As the last of the Hydra soldiers fell, my clones dissipated, returning their essence to the main form. Breathing heavily, I looked around, my gaze sweeping over the defeated enemies and the crumbling base. The fight had taken its toll, but I still was able to stand victorious.

With newfound powers and a growing understanding of my capabilities, I knew there were a force to be reckoned with.

As I made my way back to the hotel I was staying, I got a notification from Morgan asking if we can talk in person. I quickly replied agreeing and asking where to meet.

I quickly took a hot shower, washing away the human brains and smell of death. As I was drying up I got a notification from my phone from someone. I didn't pick up thinking it was just Morgan telling me the address. I finished getting ready, my phone still going off with messages.

I finally was able to get around to my phone and noticed 7 messages, one from Morgan with an address attached, 4 from my girls, and two from fury. I quickly agreed to the address and moved my way down the list to my girls.

GaY bOZoS💅🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Wiggle-woo💋🧞‍♀️: y/n I think we are going to have to reschedule our date...
Nat-cotics🔫🇷🇺: Yh tony and Steve want to have some type of Wilde west battle in the airport.
Wiggle-woo💋🧞‍♀️: don't pull your punches nat, stay safe love
Nat-cotics🔫🇷🇺: wtv witch, see you in a minute 😘. Stay safe baby
                                                   Forbidden fingers😈:
That's fine darlings, hopefully you guys don't kill each other. Stay safe🫶🏽

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