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Y/n P.O.V.

"Should I bring a bathing suit?" I asked, turning around with a swim trunk in my hands. I looked up to see Nat giving me her famous eye roll, and witchy woo looking at me stupid.

"Y/n where the fuck are you going to go swimming in the middle of the desert?" Wanda asked, continuing packing clothes into her suitcase.

"Let alone have time to go swimming in this mission?" Widow butted in, I finished putting the last clothing before zipping up the suitcase.

Not thinking before I spoke, "I always have time to dive into your oceans, hell I don't even need to part the damn sea to do it." As soon as I finished, I got a chair thrown at me, and was thrown to the ceiling.

"Such an idiot" Wanda mumbled, finishing up her bag same as Natasha's.

"Besides think of this as a vacation." I joked, using my magic to lift all 3 suitcases to the private jet that was waiting for us.

"I don't know how you think going undercover as a mafia boss, with your two wives. To defeat another mafia boss who is giving Hydra test subjects a vacation." Nat spoke up, I rolled my eyes at her little sum of our mission.

"Such a party killer." I mumbled, getting a hit behind my head from the said widow. I stopped and turned around, making eye contact with her. Dropping her suitcase on the floor, I turned around and continued walking only carrying two suitcases.

Pick up the suitcase y/n

I rolled my eyes, pretending I didn't just hear the voice in my head.

If I tell you again, your sleeping on the couch. The whole time.

But the mission last for a whole month?!

The whole time.

I groaned and turned around to pick up the suitcase again. Ignoring the looks I made my way to the jet. I'll be damned if I'm sleeping on the damn couch.
*time jump*

"Everything up? No cameras or mics around the apartment?" I asked making us some drinks at the mini bar the apartment had. Luckily Tony was kind enough to rent out a penthouse for our mission.

"Yup, I set a telescope near the window so we can see what's happening." Natasha said, taking her drink from me. Leaving a kiss as a thank you. Not only did we have a great view of the ocean, but the view where our target sleeps and makes his deals.

"You know, we should invest in a pant house like this. Once things start to settle down a little bit." A freshly showered Wanda said, she has on some booty shorts, a long t-shirt which was mine.

Ever since us three became a thing, those two always stolen my clothes. It's always the same thing, Natasha takes the hoodies, while finger magic takes my shirt.

"Thanks babe." Wanda said taking her drink, doing the same thing nat did as a thank you. I couldn't help but stare at her plump ass in those shorts, next thing I know jr is awake.

Well shit

"I'm going to take a shower, don't do anything nasty." Nat said, finishing her drink and made her way to the restroom. I rolled my eyes at her, she knew I got hard. Both of them did.

"Oh and y/n?" She called out, turning my attention to her. My jaw practically fell to the floor, there stood the all mighty widow naked.

"Y-Yh?" I cursed my self out, she was getting a kick out of this. She was about to go back inside the restroom, before she spoke again.

"I'll save enough cold water for your little friend." And with that she shut the door, she didn't lock it. I turned around to Wanda to see her smirking, knowing she was thinking the same exact thing I was.

"Did you bring it?" I asked, walking calmly to her, she got up and rested her arms around my neck. "Someone needs to be punished." She whispered, kissing me slowly, bitting my lowered lip sensually. I pulled back as she left to the bedroom, before she could get out of ear shot I called out to her.

"Don't think you won't get punished for wearing those shorts." I said to her, she only winked out playfully at me.

"Hoping you was going to do something about it....daddy." She but her lip and fully left the room to the bedroom. I took off my clothes, throwing them at the corner of the room before heading my way to the bathroom.

*finna be a little spicy*

I opened the door silently, not trying the get the ex assassins attention. Leaving the door opened I walked closer to the shower where a silhouette of the woman in trouble was washing her body. I yanked the curtain open, earning a surprised squeal from nat.

I stepped into the shower, pushing her back against the wall. She gasped as she hit the cold tile. "Thought you wouldn't be punished?" I sneered at her, she reached for my lips, but I turned her around so her chest was up against the wall.

I slapped my dick on her ass, earning a loan from her pretty mouth. "You want that, huh? Say that you want it." I whispered in her ear. "I wan-t it y-FUCK!" She moaned as I slapped her ass hard, I could already see the red print forming.

"What my name dekta." I said gripping her neck from the front. Pulling her body towards me. "D-daddy." She said, looking up at me with pleading eyes. I slapped her ass again, Turing the water off and carrying her out of the shower and into the bedroom where Wanda was waiting for us.

Ass naked on the bed.

This will be fun.


Sorta feel bad for this cliffhanger.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I know damn well this is all over the place but I'll sort it out.

Scouts promise 🤞

Also a new book has been dropped, hope you enjoy

Stay safe 🫶🏽

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now