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Third P.O.V.

"Are you nervous meeting your sister?" Wanda ask nat who was looking ahead, in a daze. "Nat?"

Natasha shook her head and faced her lover in confusion, "what?" Wanda gave her a gentle smile and reached out for her hand, which nat gladly took.

"I said, are you nervous meeting your sister?" She repeated, it took Natasha a minute to respond but once she did she took Wanda by surprise.

"Yelena wasn't my sister, so no I'm not nervous about meeting my 'sister' I'm just nervous about how to take down the red room." She put air marks as she said sister, Wanda gave her a small squeeze of understanding.

"Enough about me what about you, what did the smart doctor say?" Natasha quickly changed the subject, Wanda had a feeling why she did but wouldn't push it. Instead she decided to answer her.

"She said it was just the flew, she gave me some over the counter medicine." Natasha nodded every word, she looked at Wanda with a hint of concernment.

"You don't think your.."

"Pregnant?" Wanda finished her sentence, nat only nodded to see what her answer would be.

"No, the amount of times we had sex with y/n, we would have had 2 or 3 children by now." Wanda joked at the end, making the other woman pull her famous rare smile.

"You said we." Nat whispered, Wanda gently got up from her seat and sat down on the widows lap. Grabbing her face with her soft hands.

"Of course, it's always going to be we." Wand gave her a light kiss. Natasha gently pulled back and look slightly up to her lover.

"Even y/n?" This made Wanda let out a huff and get off her lap and to her original seat.

"You can't be mad at her forever Natasha, she had her reasons for not telling you." She turned to face forward but Nats hand stopped her.

"What was the reason? She told you?" She edged Wanda to tell her, without thinking Wanda spilled what y/n had told her.

Without both of them getting a warning Natasha and Wanda found themselves clutching their heads, a piercing ache surging through their minds. As their eyes squeezed shut, vivid flashes of moments with their beloved, y/n, invaded their consciousness. Laughter-filled dates, tender embraces, shared secrets — each memory flickered like a fragile flame.

Wanda's voice trembled as she reached out to Natasha, "Nat, I... I can't hold onto these memories. They're slipping away."

Natasha's brow furrowed in distress, her fingers brushing against her temples. "I know, Wanda. It's happening to me too. But we can't let them fade."

Desperation etched across their faces, they attempted to anchor themselves in the memories that defined their love. A sun-soaked beach, the taste of y/n's favorite dessert, the warmth of their intertwined fingers — all hung by a thread, as if threatened by an insidious force.

Fear knotted their hearts, realizing that the bond they shared with y/n was at risk of being eroded by an enigmatic assailant. Natasha's voice wavered, "We have to fight this, Wanda. For y/n."

Wanda nodded, her eyes glinting with determination through the haze of pain. "You're right. Our love is stronger than this."


Together, they closed their eyes once more, focusing with all their might on the recollections that formed the foundation of their relationships. The room seemed to pulse with their collective effort, as if their very willpower was a shield against the encroaching void.

As seconds stretched into minutes, the flashes of memories began to slow their retreat, gradually becoming more distinct and vivid. Their shared resolve was turning the tide against the forces threatening their precious moments.

With a shared gasp, Natasha and Wanda found themselves bathed in a comforting glow. The room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as the memories of y/n solidified once more, etched into their minds with newfound permanence.

Opening their eyes, Natasha and Wanda met each other's gaze, a mixture of relief and affection passing between them. The fear of losing y/n's memories had forged an unbreakable bond, deepening their connection as friends and allies.

"We did it, Nat," Wanda whispered, a tear of gratitude slipping down her cheek. Both women got out of their staring contest when the quinjet announced that they have arrived at their location.

"I know your there, just open the door." A woman's voice was heard inside the building, Natasha had just finished pick locking the door before she answered.

"I know your know I'm here." She then proceeded to cautiously look around the rooms, wanda following close behind her. Once they made it to the kitchen Natasha froze which caused the witch to do the same.

"Friend or foe?" A blond haired girl is pointing a gun toward the couple, she proceeded to slowly move her gun more towards wanda when she tilted her head.

"Depends on how you use that gun." Wanda did her little magic wiggle fingers to show the girl she didn't come unarmed. This made both gun woman take a step closer, "wanna put the gun down, so we can talk like adults." Natasha reasoned.

The blond girl scoffed, "if only you put yours down first." They slowly took a step forward toward each other, close enough for both to reach the other gun.

"I'm not stupid." Nat mumbles, that's when both grabbed for the other gun, letting go of their own at the same time. This made wanda take a hesitant step toward nat to make sure nothing bad happens to her, the red head gently shook her head no.

Suddenly they both fought around the house, breaking stuff as their bodies slammed into them. It slowly ended with both of them choking each other, both calling it a truce.

"You've grown up." Natasha says as she gets up from the floor, the blond girl rolls her eyes at the red assassin.

"No shit." She then face wanda who just stood there looking at those interactions with a small smirk. "Why did you bring you avenger buddy?" She looked at her up and down before looking at the person she played sister with.

"My girlfriend insisted to come with me." Natasha said changing her shirt, this made the blonde girl twitch when she saw the bruises she made on her back.

(Yes, I know the taskmaster made those, but the bitch isn't popping up till later.)

Once Natasha was done changing, and yelena was done having a suprised look on her face as she saw Wanda fix a the broken table for the girls to sit down. Also bringing in vodka to the table.

"Yelena meet Wanda, Wanda meet yelena." Both girls gave the other a nod before going to business into taking down the red room.

I'm sorry about the late update.

Stay safe 🫶🏽

If you have any recommendations to this story I'm up for it.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now