Our Endgame

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In shadows deep, where destiny does play,
A tale of heroes, in the final fray.
They stand united 'gainst the darkest night,
Their hearts ablaze, with valor as their light.

With swords unsheathed and shields held high,
They face the tempest, the relentless sky.
Each step they take, a testament of will,
A promise to their world, a vow to fulfill.

The battle rages, fierce and wild,
As heroes fight for every mother's child.
Their valor soars, their spirits intertwined,
In this endgame, their fates are now entwined.

Through fields of sorrow, 'cross mountains tall,
They rise and stumble, they stand or fall.
For every victory, a sacrifice is made,
In this epic war, no soul remains unswayed.

The cost is steep, the toll immense,
Yet onward they press, in their defense.
They know the price, they've counted every loss,
For in the end, they'll weigh the final cost.

As dawn breaks through the smoldering haze,
The heroes stand, their weary hearts ablaze.
The war is won, the darkness now recedes,
Yet in their hearts, a solemn truth concedes.

For in this endgame, victory's embrace,
Is tempered by the tears that mark its grace.
A world redeemed, a future yet unknown,
The heroes stand, forever etched in stone.

Y/N P.O.V.

The battlefield stretched out before us, a battleground of chaos and defiance. The air thrummed with the resonance of power, and the weight of our mission hung heavy on my heart. Clint's absence was a silent echo, a reminder of the cost we had already paid.

Natasha's eyes met mine, a silent promise of unity in the face of the looming battle. We had come full circle, our destinies entwined in this final stand.  As hero's who have disappeared for five years have now stood right next to us.Wanda, her presence a beacon of strength, stood at our side. The three of us, bound by our love and duty, faced the impending storm.

As the clash of forces erupted around us, Natasha's and Steve's and also Tony's fierce determination led the charge. Wanda's power surged, a symphony of energy and precision. Together, we moved as one, a force to be reckoned with.

In the heat of the battle, memories surged forward onto me . From our shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, the whispered promises of forever. In the end, I had chosen a different path, a sacrifice for their happiness.

Also as for everyone else's

As the fight raged on, I could feel the tremors of impending destiny. I noticed Mr. Strange looked at Tony, who then looked at me with a nod. I took this as a chance to quickly take the stones from Thanos without him noticing due to Spider-Man and the black panther attacking him from on top, I finally managed to grasp onto them. As I held them in my hands, I quickly put a little chant over them as they where connected to my soul source. I could feel my veins pulsing with unfathomable power, rested against my skin. With a final, resolute breath, I knew it was time.

As Thanos finally managed to get rid of my teammates he raised his gloves, "I am invincible." And snapped his fingers, he realized that nothing happened looking down he began to panic. I guess through the small panick he noticed me behind him. He realized what I had done and stood there, I noticed so did everyone else. It was like time had frozen still.

I raised my hand, fingers trembling as they gripped the power that held the universe within. With a surge of energy, reality itself seemed to bow to my command.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now