Date pt1

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Y/N P.O.V.
I woke up to soft cries, I sat up to see Wanda sound asleep. I then noticed how the restroom door was cracked open, showing the light was on. I slowly got out of the bed making sure not to wake up the sleeping beauty.

Making my way to the bathroom the cries slowly became whimpers, and sniffles. I opened the door a little not wanting to startle the woman. What I witnessed broke my heart, Natasha said against the sink, head between knees.

I sat down in front of her, placing each legs on her side. I waited until she made the first move knowing how she wants to be in control of her self and these emotions. While waiting I was thinking of reasons why she could be crying in the middle of the night.

Nightmares? Bruce? Me?

I was pulled out from my thoughts when she body launched herself to me, I held her tight whispering sweet words to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I quickly shook my head and held her closer.

"Don't apologize for showing emotions, I know what it's like Nat. Emotions are scary, but it's not our fault when we where never able to show them." I noticed she calmed down when I finished, hoping that it worked I lifted both of us to our feet.

"Come on, wash your face and go join Wanda in bed, I'll be there in an hour." I gave her a kiss on her head, squeezing her hand. "Where are you going?" She whispered out, following me around the room. I turn around making her bump into me,  "I'm going to plan our date, so go to bed and I'll get you an hour before the date." I smirked and spanked her ass, teleporting away to start the date.
Around noon time~

I tripled checked, making sure everything was ready before I went to go and grab Nat. I went to elevator, pressing the 4th floor making my nerves even more jumpier than usual. My thoughts are going spiral in my head again, webs, and if she doesn't like the day? What happens if something goes wrong? What if she changes her mind and tells Wanda?

The sound of the elevator take me out of my thoughts, I start making my way to Natasha's and Wanda's . Which is technically my room. I knocked on the door three times. A soft 'coming' from Wanda, it didn't take barely a few seconds until the door was opened, and I see both girls and all the glory.

I look at Natasha, ask her if she's ready she gives me a curt nod and kisses wanda on the cheek saying a small goodbye to her, I proceed to grab Natasha's bag and also give same treatment to wanda as well. Not before telling her that we'll see her again in the morning, telling her to be ready for her date as well.
Few hours later~

So far the date has gone very well. One thing I've noticed about Tasha was that she's a very competitive person, so taking her out to the shooting range to play top golf, and even to the arcade was very interesting. It brought both of our competitive sides out to the max.

Now we are at a lodge I may or may have not borrowed for a day. luckily, between us two I know how to cook as well, and made both of us some steak with mashed potatoes and asparagus for dinner tonight, with no help of the black widow, of course since she clearly does not know how to cook anything else for the PBJ sandwich.

Which are very very divine to eat one.

" so how was your day so far I hope nothing bad or anything I did that made you feel comfortable through this evening. If I did so very sorry, I'm not very used to doing stuff." I said rubbing the back of my neck, she giggled and whispered something about me being cute.

" The date was perfect Y/n, you don't ever have to feel nervous or second-guess yourself about ever making me or wonder a comfortable. But there is one thing I would like for us to do before we go to bed before we leave this quiet, peaceful evening behind us." She spoke, slowly getting up and making her way towards me.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now