Parting ways

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Y/n P.O.V.

I was in the middle of packing when I heard my door open, I looked up to see Natasha with red eyes. I quickly put my stuff down and went straight to her, bringing her into my arms. I began to rub my hand, giving general kisses as she violently sobbed into my chest.

"What's wrong μικρή αράχνη (little spider)?" I asked gently, she shook her head and held onto me tighter. I guided us to the bed where I pulled her on top of my lap, giving her some more attention.

"Was it a nightmare?" I asked again, this time she gave me a nod. At this answer I could probably tell she had a similar one when I first got here. I gently pulled her face away from my neck, early a small complaint about the loss of contact.

I cleaned off her face full of tears, "Don't worry about Wanda, she has Rogers. We all know how he like to take care of his family." I joked getting a small smile from her, I gave her a short kiss. Earning a bigger smile.

"It's not just Wanda I'm worry about, it's you. Or did you forget that your in a relationship with the both of us?" She said, playing with my hair. I gave her a small smile, I decided it was time to continue my packing.

"Are you done packing?" I asked her, returning to my actions of packing for my mission. I didn't hear her answer, I looked up to see her looking at the door. I turned my gaze to see Wanda with tears in her eyes, her body leaning against the frame.

"You had a nightmare πολυαγαπημένος (darling)?" I asked, stopping my packing again to go and comfort my other lover. As I was walking up to her she ran up and jumped on me, and began to sob into my neck.

I gave nat a concerned look, only to get an even more concerned on as well. I brought both of us to the bed, sitting down next to the widow.

"What happened?" I whispered into her ear, I only got louder sobs from the woman on top of me. I quickly thought of a solution, I gave nat a quick squeeze, and turned my attention back to Wanda.

"Love, can I look through your head to find out what's going on?" I asked her politely, not wanting to scare her. I waited for her to give me an answer, once she did she gave me permission to do so.

I placed my hand on her temple and concentrated on what her mind, trying to connect it with mine. I heard a click go off, but luckily I was pulled into Wanda's mind.

I noticed I was in a dark room, the only light was the moon coming in through the boarded up windows. The room changed to to a big room, it was like a meeting room. The screen started to play behind me, my body was frozen, I couldn't turn around to see what was happening.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming towards me, from far it looked like a blob coming towards me. A few seconds later it was Natasha and Wanda running towards me, with fear in there eyes.

They ran past me, only then is when I was able to turn around to see where they went to. I saw the screen play a recording, with me sitting in the middle of the frame. Covered in blood, behind me was the Spider. She was caressing my cheek, as one of her guards started to carve a knife. All I could hear was Wanda's scream fill the void before I was pulled back.

I gently pulled Wanda away from me to see her tear brimmed eyes looking back at me. "Did you just predict the future?" I whispered, hoping it wasn't true.

So sorry for this short chapter, but now that school is over this book will be updated every Friday.

Also I started a new book, it will also be updated every Friday.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now