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Y/N P.O.V.

Few months later

Me and the redheads have gotten closer each day, I'm not going to complain about this at all. I've also know how to make a proper sentence without sounding like an idiot. All thanks to bill of course.

The Avengers are having a meeting about a mission they are going to have in a few hours, while I'm just in the kitchen washing an apple. I still don't eat as much as a normal person would but I'm getting there. The others aren't really warming up to me, Bucky on the other hand, wouldn't leave me alone.

I can't look at him without thinking of what had happened when we last saw each other.

"You know if you keep washing that apple, it might disintegrate." I rolled my eyes at hills statement, "just making sure it's clean." I bit into it and looked back to see her all dressed up.

"Someone's getting laid." I said and chuckled wen she got a blush on her cheeks. I walked around her looking her up and down whistling, only making her to hit my arm to stop my antics.

"Whose the lucky person, agent." I said giving her the rest of my apple since I wasn't going to finish it. "That's for me to know and you to forget about." She stated and took a bite of the apple before the the rest away.

"I don't think that's the saying." I laughed when she mumbled something about me being a smart-ass. "I came to check up on you, I know those missions after mission are tiring. Plus with the lessons we've been having." She gave me a sympathetic look.

I shook my head and gave her a small smile, "it's fine, anything that keeps me out that cage is worth it. Thank you for everything Hill." She came and gave me quick hug, knowing how uncomfortable I get when people touch me for a long ass time.

'The avengers are asking for you Ms.Devil' FRIDAY said on the intercoms. I wished the agent a good luck on her date and made my way to the conference room. As soon as I walked in, hardcore stares where all on me, I quickly glance around the room and noticed fury was here as well. I made my way to him and stood behind him waiting for what they need from me.

"Glad you could finally make it, hope we didn't interrupt you killing an innocent child." Tony's remark made me look down in guilt for people I've killed who didn't deserve it.

"That's e-"

"I don't need your help Mr.Barnes, I'm a grown adult. Not the little girl you abandoned." I spoke up to him, he looked shocked at what I said, probably because he didn't want the others to know what had actually happened to the both of us.

I turned around to fury, since I only take his command and not the others since I'm not an avengers. "What is it you want me to do sir?" He gave me a similar looking file the others had in front of them.

I opened it up to see a logo I've been running away from these past few months. I look up to see him giving me a looks as if asking if I'm up to the mission. Giving him a nod I read the rest of the file.

"We will be going to an abandoned hydra base, we have a hunch on getting a big lead that we need. Your part is to guid us since you've been there for a while, Bucky told us this. A simple in and out." I nodded at the captain before looking at fury to see if he wants me to do this mission with them. He gave me a nod and gave me a handshake, but he had a usb drive and gave me a stern look at the file in my hand. I nodded knowing what he wants me to do.

"Holy we all don't get killed by her, he'll how can we trust her when we are basically going to a place she probably called home?!" Bruce said while giving me a stern look.

"Mad that the only strength you can ever have is to be someone your not? I suggest you shut the fuck up doctor. The bad you guys think you can get a 'big lead' is still heavily guarded. And I'm the only one who knows how to get from point A to point B safely as possible." I barked back at him, I turned back to fury to ask him for a request when he lifted his hands up for me to shut up.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now