Past becomes present

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Y/N P.O.V.

It had been a few days getting the stuff hydra needed to infiltrate the avengers tower, and I'm still stuck with jr. Luckily we have a only a few more items to get, more like steel.

"How much longer Y/N?" Morgan whines in the passenger seat next to me. I rolled my eyes when she said my name, I don't know where or how she got that information, but I somehow don't mind her calling me that. This kid has grown on me these past few days, and I'm terrified for some odd reason.

"We're almost there jr. Be patient." I mumbled the same words I used before, she really does take after her father. I noticed that the location we where heading to seemed to be heavily guarded. I made sure I was at least a few miles away from the compound where the weapon was being stored, and parked the car.

"I need you to stay here okay, I'll be back as soon as possible." I said unbuckling my seat and popped up the trunk to get my weapons out. But before I could open the door I felt a small hand wrapping my wrist, I turn back to see a worried looking Morgan.

"What happens if you don't come back? What if you get hurt and no one is going to save you?"she questioned me and I see her eyes slowly start to water. This isn't the first time I have left her in the car or in an area by herself when I went to go and 'borrow' these items we need. But it is the first time Ives seen her do worried about me, yes we have been together for the bast 4 days but we've never had this conversation ever. I then remembered how we would make jokes about each other even about spider and her own father, how I would make sure she had a green juice in the morning. Even though she hated it with a passion. That's when I realized how much of an impact she had on me in general, and how protective I was when she was almost taken from me by some nasty men.

I then started to remember something that could help ease her mind, I gave her a small smile and put my hand out in a grabbing gesture. "Give me your necklace please." She did as she was told and gently placed it in my open palm, I then grabbed a knife that I had strapped on me. And I placed the necklace on the dashboard, then gently grabbed her hand with mine and the knife on the other. I placed the blade facing her palm and closed her hand around it, "I'll make this as fast as possible okay?" I looked at her for to give me a nod.

"I need words Morgan." She looked between the blade and me. "I'm ready" she said and closed her eyes. I did I said and pulled the blade from her hand making sure I had put pressure, she let out a small cry and I quickly did the same on my hand while giving her encouraging words. I placed the necklace underneath our both bloody hand and began to chant out some magic.

"καθώς καλύπτουμε αυτή την οντότητα με το αίμα μας, κάντε την μια διαδρομή μεταξύ μας. για να εντοπιστεί η τοποθεσία για την υγεία να προσαρμοστεί όλα από το άσμα του ονόματός μου." I noticed towards the end it started to glow, it must mean it's working. After I was done I opened up Morgans hand and healed it to where you can't even see the scar. I cleaned up the area and the necklace then gave it back to her.

"Chant my name 3 times and I'll be right there, only use it if you are in complete danger. Or you need Soto talk to you." I gave her a kiss on the forehead, something I also realized I started doing these past few days. I quickly got out the car and made my way back to the rink and got what I needed. I made my way back to the front and waved back for her to lock it before I started my way to the compound.

Wanda's P.O.V.

It's been a week and a half since we lost both Y/N and Morgan to hydra, and it's just total chaos in the compound. Steve is pushing harder on training and stark is still mad that his daughter is taken and not knowing where she is.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now