Jealousy cant hurt nobody

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Y/N P.O.V.

A few days have gone by, and not a peep or anything unusual has gone by for Candy Taker, or so we thought. Was looking out the window for the millionth time, seeing a van pull up two guards met behind the van. Opening it up to see a group of young girls, "hydra is working with the red room?" I heard Tasha say, taking a spot next to me. I rubbed her back knowing from the backstory she's given me about her past.

"We need to go and stop them." Wanda said walking in on us, placing a small kiss an Nats head. I shook my head disagreeing with her, "we need to wait, we don't know what is actually going on." I said, as if the phone had good timing I got a message from an unknown number. I picked it up, and going straight to the contacts.

It's candy taker, I've got a beautiful shipment that had just arrive. Meet me at (location) and let the real fun begin.

Also Bring those wives of yours.

I looked up to see both women having their phone in their hands with a display of disgust on their faces. "Candy taker wants to meet, I'm guessing you guys got the message as well?" I asked, before I could go up and ask them what wrong nat had read off a message on her phone.

"Hey sexy, why don't you come on over and we can have some fun with the other ladies." She said, I gripped my phone at the message, deciding not to say anything I looked at Wanda to see what she had gotten.

"I have never seen such a delicious meal I couldn't wait to get my hands on, have some fun with me and you be wanting to leave that wife of yours." She finished, I left the room to the bedroom getting ready. Ignoring the gazes from my lovers.

"You girls are not going." I said, finishing buttoning my dress shirt. I reached for the suit jacket when it was pulled away from me.

"What make you think your going alone?" I heard Wanda say, from the corner of my eye I saw nat going into the closet pulling out two dresses, handing Wanda one. I quickly turned around and used my powers to push them against the wall, I could hear their breath hitch as their back hit the object.

"If he as so much touch you in the wrong way, not only am I pulling the strings but you will both suffer when we get back. Do I make my self clear?" I growled at both women, putting my hand on their waist, rubbing them up and down. Both their bodies where close enough for my legs to go in-between theirs, which reacted to them slowly grinding on them.

I pulled away from the contact, smirking when I heard their whimpers. "Get ready, can't leave a desperate man waiting." I said, walking out with my jacket in hand, decided to make me a drink to prepare me for whatever we are about to see.

We finally made it to the location he wanted us to meet. I stepped into the dimly lit building, my heart pounding with adrenaline. Natasha and Wanda, my courageous and skilled wives, were right beside me, dressed in sleek black dress, disguising their identities as we infiltrated the enemy's lair. Our mission was to gather information on the notorious mafia boss known as Candy Taker, who had nefarious ties with Hydra.

The atmosphere was tense as we made our way through the labyrinthine corridors, navigating past armed guards and hidden surveillance cameras. We had to remain inconspicuous, blending into the background as we sought out our target. As we rounded a corner, we spotted him – the enigmatic Candy Taker.

Candy Taker, a man whose reputation was as vile as his name suggested, was known for his heinous crimes and association with Hydra. Standing there, he exuded a sinister aura, surrounded by a group of innocent-looking little girls, their wide eyes filled with curiosity.

He glanced in our direction, a sly smile spreading across his face as he beckoned us closer. I exchanged a quick glance with Natasha and Wanda, communicating silently that we had to play along, no matter how uncomfortable the situation may become.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now