Our last goodbye

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Y/n P.O.V.

The desolate landscape of Vormir stretched out before us, a haunting echo of a world long forgotten. The cold winds whispered secrets, carrying the weight of ancient sacrifices.

Clint and I stood on the edge of the abyss, our hearts heavy with purpose. The crimson hue of the stone structure loomed ahead, an ominous sentinel guarding the coveted Soul Stone.

The Stonekeeper emerged from the shadows, his presence shrouded in mystery.

"Who seeks the Soul Stone?" his voice echoed through the desolation.

"It's us," I replied, my voice steady, betraying none of the turmoil within. "We seek to save the universe from the grasp of Thanos."

The Stonekeeper's gaze bore into mine, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of our quest.

"To obtain the Soul Stone, one must prove their willingness to sacrifice," he intoned solemnly.

Clint's eyes met mine, a silent understanding passing between us. We had discussed this moment, the unbearable choice we were about to face.

The weight of the decision settled on my shoulders, a burden I knew I had to bear.

"I'll do it, Clint," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "You have a family waiting for you. They need you."

Clint's gaze met mine, a mixture of determination and regret in his eyes. We both knew what needed to be done.

I summoned my powers, the energy coursing through my veins. Scarlet tendrils of energy swirled around me, a silent promise of the power that lay within.

"I won't let you get in my way, Y/N," Clint's voice was firm, his resolve unwavering. "I have to do this."

We circled each other, our footsteps echoing off the stone. Every movement was deliberate, every breath a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of our choices.

I raised my hands, ready to unleash my power, but Clint was faster. Arrows flew through the air, each one aimed with deadly precision. I deflected them with a wave of my hand, the energy barrier shimmering around me.

Clint moved with purpose, his movements calculated and swift. He knew my strengths, but I knew his too.

He lunged forward, a calculated strike aimed at my vulnerability. I countered, redirecting his momentum with a surge of power.

The dance continued, a symphony of power and precision. Each move was a testament to the years of training and trust that had forged our partnership.

In a moment of vulnerability, I hesitated. Clint seized the opportunity, his strike hitting its mark. I stumbled, the force of the blow sending shockwaves through me.

The ground seemed to shift beneath my feet, a stark reminder of the unforgiving reality of our mission.

Clint stood before me, his eyes filled with regret and determination. He knew what needed to be done.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, take care of both of them and my family will you?" he whispered, his voice heavy with the weight of our choices.

And then, he was gone.

The world seemed to still, the echoes of our battle fading into the desolation of Vormir. I was alone, the weight of the Soul Stone in my hand a solemn reminder of the sacrifice that had been made.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled back to our time, everyone was standing there with their complete missions on there hand and mine.

"Y/n where's Clint?" I heard Tony whispering to me, I tossed the stone to Bruce and made my way outside for some fresh air. I didn't want to talk to anyone but I knew I had to eventually, especially to a now widow wife. Not being able to control my anger and guilt, I let my voice cry out in despair.

I could hear my cry echo out into the field, I continued to lean against the rails and let the cool breeze try and calm me down.

"He's dead isn't he." I could hear the heartbreak in her voice, I leaned my head down knowing my voice couldn't say much.

"You knew something was going to happen over there, that's why you switch spots with me." She came a little closer but still far enough to tell me she still hates me.

"I switched places with you cuz I had a gut feeling, I tried Natasha I really tried to take his place. We both know how stubborn that clitoris is, besides it was better for you not to go with him." I have her a short glance before continuing what I was trying to say.

"If you were in my spot on that planet, you would have sacrificed yourself. I couldn't let that happen to Wanda, when she comes back from wherever she was, she is goi g to want to see you. You need her and she needs you." I explained, for a while it was silent and I thought she had left me outside to join the others.

"We both needed you." She whispered, that's only when I looked behind to see she gotten a little closer and was holding back tears. I opened my arms for her knowing she needed one, and I was gladly the person to give it to her.

For a couple of minutes I stood silent as she latched onto me and cried her heart out. Our moment was ruined by Steve who told us that they were going to have Bruce snap his fingers.

We all gathered around the green man and waited for him to snap, "I'll get them all back I promise." He mumbled and snapped.

We didn't know what to expect but a bright light consumed us and we were pushed back by force.

When the lights were sight seeing worthy, we all stared at the brussels sprout kneeling over with a burning hand. "Nothing worked." Tony spoke his mind, I sent him a small glare to warn him that's not the first priority right now.

After getting a roll eye from him I noticed something at the corner of my eye.

A dead bird

Another one, and another one, it didn't gains everyone's attention until one broke the glass and rolled over to my feet. We where in shock and curious to see what was going one, next thing we know is a meter like object falling down on us.

Then darkness.

You guys probably hate me for what I did to our arrow head but I swear this isn't the end.

It saddens me that this book is coming to a closure but I am grateful for the readers who have stayed and read this story.

Thank you loves and see you in the next and final chapter.


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