Coming back to a surprise

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Y/n P.O.V.

Me and the billionaire made our way to the underground passage, we followed the voices until we stopped when they became louder.

The dimly lit hallway stretched out before me, a sense of anticipation filling the air. Tony, clad in his Iron Man suit, stood at my side, his gauntlets crackling with energy. I could feel the hum of my own powers resonating within me—telekinesis, mind reading, and telepathy. Together, we were a formidable force.

As we made our way forward, seven Hydra agents emerged from the shadows, their cold, calculating eyes fixed on us. They spread out, forming a semi-circle, their weapons glinting ominously. I could hear their thoughts, a mixture of arrogance and determination, as they prepared to face us.

Without a word, Tony and I locked eyes, our minds connecting effortlessly. A silent plan formed between us as our powers intertwined. The Hydra agents lunged forward, and time seemed to slow down.

I focused my telekinesis, extending my will outward. The world around me responded, objects lifting into the air. With a wave of my hand, I sent a barrage of debris hurtling toward the agents, their surprised expressions reflecting my own confidence. The projectiles struck with precision, knocking several of them off balance.

Meanwhile, Tony engaged his repulsor technology, releasing bursts of energy that tore through the air. The agents scrambled to dodge his relentless assault, but his accuracy was unmatched. Each blast found its mark, incapacitating another Hydra operative.

I extended my telepathic abilities, delving into the minds of our adversaries. I anticipated their movements, their thoughts laid bare before me. I warned Tony of incoming attacks, allowing him to sidestep a flurry of punches with ease. We moved in perfect harmony, a dance of power and strategy.

With each passing moment, the Hydra agents grew more desperate, their confidence waning. They attempted to regroup, but we were relentless. Tony's unyielding armor protected him from their feeble attempts, while my telekinesis batted them away like rag dolls.

Together, we fought as one, exploiting their weaknesses and overwhelming them with our combined might. One by one, the Hydra agents fell, their bodies strewn across the hallway, defeated and broken.

We pressed onward, our breaths heavy with adrenaline. As we reached the end of the hallway, a metal door loomed before us, an obstacle demanding our attention. I extended my telekinesis toward it, feeling the resistance as I manipulated the metal.

With a resounding clang, the door swung open, revealing Morgan and the spider. Before I could do anything I heard the little girls scream at me, next thing I know I feel something being plunged into my stomach. Turning around I see a guard holding the object inject inside me with a smirk.

I gave my strength and slowly started to compact his brain, didn't take long until his head popped off. I pulled out the blade, dropping it in front of spider, who just held a smirk.

"Tony, get your daughter and leave with the others." I said, keeping my eyes on spider for any sight of movement. Tony made his way to Morgan and untied her, taking her in her arms and making his way back to me.

"I will never forget this devil, thank you." He whispers, I gave him a nod glancing at him to see Morgan with pleading eyes.

"The gas is leaking, just waiting on you guys."
Bucky said into the coms, I gave tony a nod for him to go. I felt a tiny hand on my shoulder stopping him for leaving.

"Y/n....please." Morgan whispered, I kept my eyes trained on spider. Slowly lifting my hand to hers, "you made me proud to call you a little sister jr. Now go be a tower princess." I said, her hand leaving mine as tony began to walk off.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now