Old habits I cannot break

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"I see you can speak more or less without the mask, therefore you will not be needing the mask. But if you misbehave or I see you think of escaping, the mask goes back on permanently for the rest of your life. Dead and alive." My master said to me as I was still hanging from the wall, looking like I was crucified with chain's holding on to me. "You have a voice, use it pet!" She yelled and dug a knife into my thigh. "Yes ma'am" I weeped out in agony.

"That's what I like to hear, such an amazing voice. Such a shame it was quite all this time. Now back to business, what are the avengers planning, and what are their secrets. After all this time running away and hiding with them, I'm sure you know something." She said while taking a seat in front of me, crossing her legs as she picked at her nails.

"I know of nothing correlated with them, better luck next time bitch" I grunted out due to the blood loss and my major headache. Next thing I know is a knife being thrown near my head. "I suggest you  tone that attitude of yours Devil or I'll make sure you'll meet our daughter sooner than you thought. As a matter of fact, isn't a few more days until it marks her birthday as well of her death?" She smirked at me as I thrashed my body towards her in anger.

"Don't you dare call her ours, you fucking raped me and gave birth to her only to kill her in-front of me. You fucking monster, no one could ever love you, you are a fucking piece of shit that should be tortured into oblivion!!!" I shouted at her, she only laughed and proceeded to walk closer to me.

"You talk as if you aren't one as well, except your much more worse. You are a demonic monster, you will never find love, you will die alone just like your daughter. You will nothing more and nothing less than the devil." She then turned and called one of the guards to come into the room.

I was trying to keep the tears at bay knowing every word she said was true, I noticed the guard came with a bucket and a long rod sticking out it, with the bottom looking like it was hot due to the red color. She then turned back around with a stoic face, she grabbed the rod and pointed it at me. It was in the shape of the hydra symbol.

"This will show you who you really are." And with that she pushed the heated rod into the middle of my chest with force. I was moving my body away from it while crying out for her to take it off, after a few more seconds of making sure I was marked she took it off and left me.

I couldn't do anything but hang my head low and close my eyes hoping that if I wake up, it was to the beautiful redheads I admire from the beginning.

A few days later.....

I woke up earlier than usual by one of the guards saying my master is waiting for me, which by the way they call her the 'Spider' but no one says that name cuz she gets hella mad. Anyways, as I make my way to the board room I notice there are more guards the closer I get there. I don't think much since I don't really care what's about to happen at the moment.

As I make my way closer to the door I could hear yelling and someone crying. Sounds like a little girls cry. I open the door to see I couldn't even think of seeing, it was a little dark but I could still make out the two figures in the room. Master is standing next to a round table that has blueprints, and sitting on a chair in front of her was a child.

Tony Starks child.

"Took you long enough, help me with this little booger here would you my love?" Master said turning back to the blueprints on the table, I slowly walk next her glancing at Morgan to see if she had any major injuries. Luckily it look like she only had a bruise going around her neck and right cheek.

"We need to infiltrate the tower, and with you being no help. We found another solution." She said tilting her head to Morgan and making a mark on the blueprints. I nodded and went around the table to face master, but make sure I have a good angle on Morgan.

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