Escape plan

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Y/N P.O.V.
After our date had ended I spent the whole day with Morgan. Started with our healthy green smoothie in the morning, then some pranks on the avenger. Got a few bruises from the redheads from my pranks, and ended the day with a movie night in my room.

And of course I had to let the little girl watch fucking disney. But was I singing to some of them? Fuck yeah I was, ain't missing out on shit.

I noticed that stark jr. Was getting tired and decided to carry her to her room, only problem was that I didn't know where her room was. Luckily I heard pepper when I was passing the living room, I carefully made my way back to her.

As I walked in I noticed everyone was there except for Thor and Dr.banner, both on i mission from what I heard. I noticed they where having a bonding moment and waited until one of them could notice me, like an idiot.

I didn't wait too long until I wanted two pairs of green eyes on me. They noticed who I was carrying and I signaled them to get the mothers attention. As they did, not so damn quiet, everyone looked up at me.

It was silent, until Tony's big ass mouth decided to speak up. "What are you doing with my daughter?" He said getting up and walking towards me. I side stepped him and made my way to pepper.

"She fell asleep when we where watching a movie, I was going to bring her to her room. But I don't know where it's at." I told the story, she game a nod of understanding and guided me to the little girls room. Making sure to shoulder bump tony on the way.

"You know you could've just called one of us to take her from your room." Pepper commented as she walked into her room. I took a moment to look at the room, it was like a mix of her parents.

" I didn't want to bother you guys. Looks liked a family bond." Whisper and placed Morgan on her bed, giving her a soft kiss on her head. I really am gonna miss her. Next thing I know, I feel arms come around me from behind. And soft cry's being muffled by my back.

"Thank you, for bringing me home." She kept repeating, I gently turned around for a proper hug. "She was a brave soul, I know what it's like to not have a child no more. Had to make sure I could bring jowly to at least in family." I said calming her down.

We separated and she went to sit on the foot of the bed, I took that as my cue to leave. As I reached the door I heard her say something. "For saving and bringing Morgan home, I'll help you escape." I turned around and gave her a nod of gratitude.

"Meet me in the kitchen at 2 am, from there I'll help you leave. Say your goodbyes, I have a feeling you won't be back for a while." She stated and I left the room to go and enter mine.

I was packing a small bag for when I leave, until I noticed a file on my desk. I picked it up and noticed it was from SHIELD, personalized by
Fury himself.

I opened it to see a letter in neat yet Messi g handwriting.

'Dear Devil,

I know that by the time you are reading this, your packing your bags to go back to hydra. I can tell from the first interaction we've had, you don't like hydra. Buts its all they have ever been.

What if I can promise you a new home, stable, not so stable, life? You can defeat the person who has hurt you, the monsters that created you. All I ask is simple for this.

Give me intel on everything, and anything you can get on in the bases you will be going to. 1 year is why I will give you for this, I have left a USB drive for the intel. Hopefully you know how to use it of course.

I wish you the best, I will know if you've made the decision when you start putting stuff into the USB.

Best of luck,

Nick Fury.'


HEY GUYS, I'm really sorry this is short. Truly am, but I have AP testing for the next two weeks. So I won't even start a new chapter.

Again I  sorry for this short chapter an a long period of no update, hope everyone is doing great and staying healthy.

Good day 🫶🏽

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