Start of black widow

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Wanda's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of weeks since we last saw y/n, it's also been a few day that I've been waking up with a toilet in front of me.

I've been vomiting over the stupid shit, and I was tired of it, so was nat.

"Go and see Dr. Chen, I'll get our bags ready." She gave me a kiss and began to pull our suitcases. Natasha decided to go and finish the red room for real this time, after she gotten a source that her sister might still be alive. Me being the emotional wreck that I am, I decided to join her.

Deciding that Nats order was the right thing to do, I followed it. I walked into the lab and was immediately welcomed by the doctor, "good morning Wanda, Natasha said you will be visiting me today."

Of course she did.

"It's nothing doc, I've just been throwing up every morning. It's probably just the flew." I said, she guided me to the bed and started to do her job.

"This might be an inappropriate question, but seeing that you are in a relationship with a person a male genital. Do you think you might be pregnant?" She timidly asked, I took a minute to respond.

"I mean, y/n never wore protection after our first intercourse. But I've never felt like this, besides after all this time of having these nights, her thing probably doesn't work." I told her, she stifled a laugh as I was trying to get a better word for appropriate response.

"We are full grown adults, it's okay to say sex and cum." She told me with a gentle smile. I watched as she wrote some stuff down before handing me a piece of paper.

"Just go to a local drugstore and get this, it will help with the vomiting." I smiled and thanked her before going to the kitchen to cook something for me and nat on our way to see her sister.

"May I ask what you are making there Wanda?" I turned my head to see vision leaning against the counter behind me, I looked back down at Nats favorite food.

Peanut butter with banana sandwiches, she could eat this for days if I let her.

"A sandwich, you want one before I go?" I offered him, I know what he wants. He's one of those stupid ex's that think they are all your ever going to get. Luckily he's a robot so he doesn't possess the jerk part of it.

"Your leaving today? I thought you guys weren't leaving till two days from now." He slowly made his way closer me, I could feel his breath behind me.

"You know how Natasha is, always wanted to get stuff done quicker. Besides she said she wanted to show me some beautiful places there." I took a step sideways, with the finished sandwiches.

"I know some beauty places, re-" he started, I used my magic to clean up the mess I made.

"Yes I remember, I also remembered us being over. See you when I get back vision." I walked away to the quinjets, seeing my love and her best friend having a deep conversation. From the looks of it I could tell Natasha wasn't happy.
Natasha's P.O.V.

As I watched Wanda leave the room to see the doctor I began to pack our clothes, when I found out about the red room still being accessible I wanted nothing more to stop it. The only problem was I didn't know how to start, until it was a week after what had happened when there was mail sent to me anonymously. It was a red liquid substance and a picture of me and yelena when we where younger.

From the help from Tony, and fury I got a message sent out to her, saying if we could meet up and talk about it. When I told Wanda about this she told me she wouldn't have minded if she tagged along. Even tho I knew she wanted to come to make sure i didn't get hurt.

"I see you guys are leaving early." I rolled my eyes at the voice behind me. I continued to pull stuff out of the drawers trying to give him the hint I did want to talk to him.

"Come on nat, when are you going to talk to me without a third person being in the room."

"When you realize I don't want to have whatever you think we had again Bruce." I said in anger, putting the clothes into the suitcases before closing them and pushed passed him. He had other plans and decided to keep following me.

"You can't honestly think you didn't feel anything for me." I scoffed at his expression, I noticed Clint was in hangar. He's probably going to see his family, I missed them so much.

"Hello, nat?" Bruce held my shoulder and turned me around, before he could say anything I beat him to it.

"Look Bruce I never loved you, truly. I never fucking did. We both got what we wanted, now leave me alone. I'm happy where I am with Wanda." I tiredly said, I know how much he likes to have a grudge.

He gave me a confused look. "What's that's supposed to mean?" I smirked at this, I turned around and made my way to the quinjet.

"It means that you got to have sex with a person whose way out of your league. And I got you to become part of the avengers which completed a mission." I said loud enough for him to hear me, also for him to stop following me.

"Hey natty!" Clint came to me and helped with the luggage, he told me it was better if we all ride together. Dropping g him off at his barn and then me and Wanda will have the rest of the ride by ourselves.

"Don't fucking call me that, clitoris." I smirked at the name he would get annoyed of hearing, but instead of getting his usual pout face. He smiled at it.

"Only y/n called me that." I fooled my eyes at him, but more towards myself at the stupid slip up.

"Just admit it Nat, you miss her. You both do." He tried for me to agree with him, but I couldn't.
Y/n lied to me about something important to me, and she knew it. After going back and forth with Clint about my 'negligence' towards fixing the relationship. I saw Wanda walk over to us, I smiled at her in a greeting,  only to make my smile go bigger when I saw what she was carrying.

Peanut butter and banana sandwich, I am going to marry this woman.

Just ask and I'll be yours.

My face got red when I noticed how loud my thoughts might have been. "Hello beautiful." She mutter next to my ear, then giving Clint a hug as both made their way inside the jet. Leaving me all alone with red face.

"Your lucky Natasha has an appetite for these sandwiches, and I made few for the ride." I walked in to see her hand Clint one of my sandwiches?! Oh hell no.

"What do you think your doing Barton? You know not to come anywhere near my sandwich." I reached to snatch it away from him before I felt another pair of hand pulling me hard, no knowing this was going to happen I fell onto Wanda's lap.

Before I could say a word, half a sandwich was shoved into my mouth. I accepted defeat and continued to sit on Wanda's lap and eat the sandwich. "Such a baby" I heard Clint mumbled, still sitting I kicked his leg.

If you keep acting like a child, you won't get another sandwich.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against Wanda's chest, I looked to my side to see Clint winking out way. I just knew it was ment for Wanda. He had manage to put in coordinates to his home and we strapped in for the flight. He decided to fly the jet since he knew after we drop him off we would go straight to Budapest.


Okay so from here on its goi g to follow some parts of the black widow movie. It's not goi g to be a word for word thing, BUT it will have like the big main event Yk?

Like meeting yelena, saving the big idiot, a little family drama, and then the big fight at the end.

But what do you guys think is causing Wanda's little vomiting sessions. I can promise you, it isn't what you think😉

Anyway, stay save my loves 🫶🏽

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now