Keeping promises

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Morgan P.O.V.

I woke up to loud banging, opening my eyes to see a guard looking at me like a piece of meat. I remembered what y/n told me about those people, what they can do. He opened the door, I scooted back towards the wall. It didn't take long before he reached me and gripped my chin.

"If only you where a little bit older." He muttered, grazing his thumb over my lips. Letting out a small whimper he let go of my chin, not before smacking my cheek.

"The spider wants to talk to you, don't do any funny business. This time the Devil won't save you." He turned his back and signaled another guard to take me away.

At the mention of y/n I quickly put my hand against my neck, feeling the necklace she gave me. Before I could do anything I felt a pair of strong arms carrying me.

Y/N P.O.V.

"What do you know about these bunkers?" Steve asked, there was a hologram of the other group showing in our jet. We had landed in our respective locations, making a plan as fast as we can.

"The one that your going to be taking down is a fairly new one, they should be carrying heavy weapons. I suggest entering from the back and front. Cover more ground." I said, getting a nod from Steve I cut the communication, knowing how good of a leader he is.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked, looking specifically at Tony. He turned and gave me a stable nod, walking out the jet while his suit is latching in to him.

"Thor I need you in the sky, there is a mega gas container that if there is a leak I might need a big spark. Bucky, low ground, vision high ground. Stark, Your with me. Leave no bodies alive." I said making my way out of the jet, the other following.

"Couldn't disagree on that"  Tony said into the coms.

"Vision, enter the east wing, Bucky enter the west." I said, earning a copy from both.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll come and help." Thor said taking off to his position.

"You ready to get your daughter back Tony?" I asked, lifting up a secret hatch, the said stark following my lead.

"Born ready."

Morgan P.O.V.


"Where are the avengers?"

"If you didn't kidnap me I would know."


"What are their weaknesses?"

"I don't know, ask them."

"Stop. Being. A. Smartass." She growled at me in anger, she raised her hand at me. I flinched.

"I'm 8, what did you expect. From being a grown ass adult you sure are dumb." I remarked, Gerri g another smack on my face. I couldn't feel both of my cheeks from the blow they were getting.

"Are they getting a new location?" She asked, I looked up holding my smile back.

"They are moving to Nunya." I said, earning a confused look from her. She slowly got closer to my face.

"And where is Nunya." She whispered to me, I spit at her ugly ass face.

"Nunya business." I smeared out to her, she then quickly placed a knife against my neck. "You think this is funny? I wouldn't hesitate to kill you." She said, and with that she cut my thigh and walked out, telling the guard to keep an eye on me.

Before the door closed I yelled for her to stop, she turned and made her way to the door. "Can you untie me, please. Not like I can go anywhere." I pleaded, hoping i convinced her. Taking her time to think about it she came around me, grabbing my arms harshly. Cutting the rope, she left.

I wait a few seconds to see if something would happen, noticing she had completely left I grabbed the necklace and did what I was told to do.


As I was chanting the necklace began to glow brighter, even after I was done it still kept glowing. Holding it tightly, I could only hope y/n can find me faster.
Y/N P.O.V.

"Vision, can you detect anymore agents in the building?" I asked, finishing my last kill, looking over my shoulder to see stark doing the same thing.

"There is no more agents." He confirmed, that's was odd, I poked at Tony again to see him have the same look.

"Hold on, there seems to be some sort of underground base. Heat signatures are picking up at least 10 people." Vision said, I nodded towards the billionaire, telling him we'll take care of it.

"How's it going for you Thor?" I asked the God himself.

"I noticed some agents out side the base, took care of them. I suggest you hurry up the process, they do check ups on their walkie- human little devices." He responded, telling him a thank you on the warning I gave directions again towards the team.

"Thor stay at your position in the sky, vision an Bucky I need you guys to creat a gas leak. Me and stark will go underground. If our communications go out, DO NOT come and get us. Blow this shit up." I commanded, I looked at Tony to see if he was alright.

"You might have some competition with Stevie for leadership." He teased at me, I gave him a small smile for the comment.

"Thanks, but there won't be a competition if we don't make it out of here. Alive." I said back, he gave me a look of understanding.

"How do we find the entrance, from what Thor told us, we have a time limit before radios start going off." He asked me, I was thinking of a way, I could asked vision or see if starks Jarvis could help.

"Do you thi-agh!" I yelled out in pain, clutching my head in my hands. I closed my eyes and a saw a vision of Morgan.

It showed me where and how to get to her.

"Y/n you alright?!" Tony said, coming to help me back on my feet. Giving him a nod of thanks, I made my way in the direction we needed to go.

"It's time to save your daughter." I yelled back at him, hearing him follow me after my outburst.

Hang in there jr. We're coming.

Sorry for the wait, hopefully this will make up for it.




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Stay safe🫶🏽

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