Q&A with a bang

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Y/N P.O.V.

"How old are you?"

"What's your sign?"
"The fuck is that?"

"Favorite color?"

"Favorite thing to eat?"
"Smooth y/n"

"What powers do you have?"
"Teleport, healing, speed, telekinetic, super strength, telepathic, adoptive muscle memory, and psionics." I list out to them in a bored tone, they have probably been asking me questions for a good 2-3 hours. Don't get me wrong I love to depend time with them, but asking questions back to back gets tiring.

"Ms. Devil, the senate is waiting for you in the meeting room. Shall I'll call all avengers to the meeting?" I heard FRIDAY say. I told him yes, giving both girls a kiss I left to the room.

Me and Senator stern are waiting for the room to be filled up with the avengers, I noticed how nervous the guy was. I couldn't place it but something wasn't right, he kept looking at the cameras as if someone was watching him, he would fidget with his suit that looked kind of bulky on some parts.

Before I could fully grasp what was wrong with him, my thoughts were disrupted with his voice. "I brought you here today because we have come to a conclusion about the Avengers. As of today every country around the world has put in a vote to disband you guys, you have shown us that you have done more damage than control over a situation." He spoke out to them, still glancing at the camera as he did so.

"No." We all turned to Steve as if he grew a second head, he gave everyone a stoic look, to hide the disappointment of what has come. "No one is capable of doing this job than us, no one stood up but us. I suggest you come up with another idea senate." He leaned forward, which only made the guy more nervous. I slowly backed up behind him and noticed a red dot flashing, I then analyzed his back and see part of the outfit is bulky. As if something is underneath him.

"Don't you want to think about it Steve? I mean he is right, and beside don't you guys want to live a normal life?" Tony said standing up and walking to the mini bar, making Stern become stiff.

"I got a suggestion, how about we still be avengers but under their orders, and not shields." Sam spoke up, I noticed some of them were nodding at this. I somehow feel there is going to be a war over this.

"What about hydra? We are close to defeating them." Wanda said, making every pair of eyes look at me. I quickly thought about the situation at hand.

Yes Hydra is important, but it's mostly a job I can do. They have enough on there plates with this senate, who by the way is looking between the watch and camera now.

"Don't worry about hydra, focus on making the world not hate you." I said, the senate looked at me giving me a questionnaire look, "aren't you part of them." I shook my head no, before I could speak fury decided to bless us with his presence.

He didn't say a word but kept looking at me, as if he was trying to say something.

'What happened sir?'

'Look at his hand'


'Just do it'

I took a glance at his open palm to see a faded mark, looked close to hydras of you took a longer look at it. I gave fury a soft nod.

'Well now would be a good time to tell you I think he bomb sir'

'Just keep an eye on him while I try and connect us the bomb squad'

'There someone behind the cameras, he keeps looking at them and the watch.'

'Let them sign the papers, and then we can move, understand agent?'


"I can't believe you want to go through with this, after all we've been through. Thought you where better than that Stark." Steve said, that's when I noticed what was going on. Both Steve and tony where standing chest to chest, I looked at the table to see some of the papers signed. I then turned my gaze to Wanda and Nat, I'm guessing something's are goi g to change with the look on their faces.

Lastly I turned my attention to see Stern sweating balls, he gave a not to his security who put the singer papers into the suit case and walked out in a rush. There was no time for thinking on why they did what they did, I need to move them. But there is no time to get everyone out, expect move the problem it's self.

I noticed Stern reach into his pocket, and pulled out a button, I quickly looked out the window to see an abandoned building. "BOMB!!" I yelled and grabbed Stern and teleported us to the building.

But sadly we didn't make it that far since the bomb went off, I was pushed backed by the force into a building. I could hear screams from the citizens, and ambulances racing to help anyone that was injured. My eye sight was getting more blurry with each passing second, I tried getting up. Putting one hand on the rock pile next to me and the other on the wall.

I noticed my left hand felt kind of wet and sticky, I move my hand and felt a weird object. I was able to clear my eye sight to see Senate Sterns head, we parts of his head next to me.

Pounding headache began to form, losing my balance I hit my head against a cement pile. Knocking me to sleep.

Any comments about Y/N's solo mission on Hydra?

How about the avengers little problem?

Who do you think was behind the camera?

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