Story time

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Y/N P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a steady heart monitor, and bright lights. Looking around I noticed no one was here, there was a seat on each side, one had a leather jacket. Must of been Natashas', I felt my head pounding. I reached up to notice I was hooked up to many other monitors. With Starks logos printed on them.

"Hey FRIDAY, where is everyone?" I called out.
"They are in the living room, shall I announce that you are awake?" The AI responded back, I told it no and yanked the cords out and slowly made my way the the group.

As I had finally made it to the group, they wait in a semi circle in the living room. I was about to make an appearance, when Clint beat me to it. "What do we know about Y/N? Ever since we captured her, there has been something off with her." Making the group nod in agreement, I noticed there was a bunch of files scattered on the table. Each photo had my face on them from my different missions.

"The only person who knows more than any of us is Bucky, and fury. Which both aren't here, so we gotta wait, or give buck a call." Sam said, taking a bite of his food. I decided it's time for them to know more about who they are working with.

"Why not just ask me? Who knows me better then me." I said and walked myself deeper into the room. Making a pit stop at the bar, taking a whole bottle of expensive whiskey from behind the counter. I turn back to see them all looking back at me in shock, I looked around to see my lovers giving me a warm smile. I gave them one back and made my way to them, sitting between them.

"What do you guys want to know?" I asked, taking a swig from the bottle. "Everything." Steve responded, I rolled my eyes at his answer. "I'm not going to explain the process of making me am I?" I groaned, only to get pinched on rib cage from Wanda.

"Fine, I'll start from when I was kidnapped by hydra. I'm only repeating myself once, no interruptions." I said, spread my legs a little bit. Getting myself more comfortable.

"It was the summer of 1920s' I was just 5 years old, hiding in the closet from my father. I could here his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, he came into the room that I hiding in. Right before he could look into the closet there was a knock on the door. He made his way downstairs, I could here him talking to at least two people. I thought they where cops, so I made my way down the stairs. As I reach the bottom step, there laid my mother. A knife was embedded into her throat, her eyes look at mine. So lifeless.

I heard my father and other people talking near the door, I slowly approached the corner. Peeking my head I saw two large men with a weird symbol on their uniform. I saw one of the men open a suitcase filled with money, my father gave the mama nod and turned around. All three of them saw me, I quickly ran back upstairs, but tripped on my dead mother. I heard heavy footsteps, glancing up I saw the big man walking towards me.

I started to crawl back only for him to catch up to me, muffling my mouth with a rag. Carrying me out to the car. I looked back to see my father with a smile looking at the suitcase. Both men had entered the car and drove off, a few hours of driving I had fallen asleep. I woke up to being strapped to a examination table, with wires connecting me to a big machine.

A doctor came in with a cart full of big jars with different colors. I remember begging them not to do anything to me, telling them I would do anything. I had gotten slapped for talking, next thing I know is one of the jars is being poured into the machine. I watch as the liquid was going through the tube and into my body, at first I didn't feel anything. Then I felt like the inside was melting, as I was screaming in pain a hooded figure made it's way to me. I felt a hand being pressed on my forehead, and they began chanting in some different language. That's when I blacked out.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now