Where do i start?

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Y/N P.O.V.

After getting over my quick shock at the hair change, I put Morgan down and told her we will talk later. I put the file I still had in hand and placed it on the table.

"So from what I understand, Hydra is creating a new weapon. Not a super solider, but more like a nuclear weapon. It's chemicals can make humans turn into zombies, their first subject was a male in his late 40s. He was fine for a few days but later grew some symptoms making the zombie paralyzed neck down. Second victim was a female also in her late 40s, she didn't even survive the first day. And lastly, they experimented on a 9 year old set of twins. Both are still alive." I stated swiping the holograms of the victims for the avengers to see.

"So they are going to make a zombie apocalypse?" Bruce asked, taking notes the presentation. I shook my head gaining more of an attentive stare from him.

"His plan is to make a zombie army, unlike the apocalypse. He can control zombies to his will."
I explained to them, "so the bite shit doesn't work?" Sam asked earning a kick from Steve. Making me smirk knowing something's didn't change. I shook my head at his statement.

"How do you know?" Wanda ask, I gave her a smile but turned stoic once I realized how I got the answer. I slowly lifted my battered t-shirt, some cuts over my body but what was evident was the to big deep bite marks.

"I was forced to get bitten by them as an experiment." I pointed out to them. I noticed this was going no where for to day and ended the meeting. "I'll give you time to settle with this information, tomorrow there will be a meeting. Same time with the senate, since some of you don't know how to a clean job." I stated giving a pointed look at a few people in the room. I made my way to the door, before I turned around at the group.

"In a few hours Rumlow will be eliminated, he was being a spy. If you want to win, got to start from killing from the outside in." And left them. I'm so dramatic, I know I am.

I quickly made my way to my room and hopped in the shower before heading out to see Fury.
*knock knock*

"Come in." I heard him say in the other side, I entered the room noticing Hill standing next to him. She looks pissed, probably cuz I just went awol and came back with cut and bullet holes on me.

"I wanted to say thank you for what you did agent, and don't worry about getting your hands dirty with rumlow. I got someone taking care of that. Now let's talk about what I actually called you here for." He commented, festering his hand so I could sit. I gave him a nod for him to continue.

"There is two things that are going to be spoken of, the first one I'm not to worried about since you know how to take command well. 1. You will not discussed what you saw about shield in that drive, the only people that know about it is the ones in the room. 2. I do not want you to confront Barns of what you know about your sisters death. We just got him to be normal, a little bit normal. You can get mad at him for anything else he has done to you. But not the sister, do you understand agent Devil?" He speaks with such authorization, "understood sir, is there anything else?"I asked him, he gave me a smirk and looked at Hills.

"I think you got a few explanations to give devil." And with that he left saying he had a meeting to get to. "Better get to talking Y/n." Maria said slowly walking to me, cracking her fingers.

"Where should I start then" I mumbled
"And that leads up to here." I finished, taking a sip of tea I made while telling the story. We somehow made it to the kitchen, since I wasn't paying attention I suffered the consequences.

"You think hydra will find you again?" She asked cleaning up her mess, "they already know where I'm at." I answered, doing the same chore as Maria. I noticed she was staring at my back waiting for an answer.

"Y/N can we tal-" I turn around to see Nat and Wanda at the kitchen door, "sorry, didn't know you where busy. We'll come ask again later." Wanda said with a low voice, her shoulders deflated. As did Natashas.

"No it's fine darlings." I smiled and made my way to them, I turned around to face Hill. "We'll talk later okay?" I said turning back and guided the ladies to my room.

"So what is it that you ne- mmhp!" I got cut off by a pair of lips, I pull back a little to see Wanda on top of me, and Nat behind her smiling at the interaction. I wrapped one hand on Wanda to keep her support, and snapped my wrist to bring Natasha closer to us with the pull of my magic.

I pull back and attach my lips to Nats, giving her the same attention I gave Wanda. After a few minutes of making out, both girls still sitting on my lap. I asked them what. They wanted to talk to me about, which was a mistake since I got a punch from the blond and a hard squeeze on my dick from the witch.

"Was that really necessary?" I groaned, putting my hands on the very sore parts, they both googled and gave me a kiss. Stating that my disappearance was a warning.

"You don't know how much we missed you." Wanda whispered, putting her head between my head and shoulders. Rubbing my hand against her back, and giving her head a light kiss. "Μου έλειψες και οι δύο, όμορφη μάγισσα και άγρια ​​αράχνη μου" also bring Nat a kiss on her forehead.

- i missed you both, my beautiful witch and fierce spider

"What's that language? I've only heard you speak it once, well twice now." Nat asked, making little patterns on my chest.

I lifted both of them and placed them laying on the bed, and settled between them. Wrapping my arms around them, the three of us getting settle in.

"Where do I start?"
Hey guys!!

A few announcements, most of you guys so far want another marvel story, with all three relationships. So so far that's what we are leaning towards. Just a few more questions I think you guys should answer since this is your book just as it's mine.

What powers?


What type of drama?

Again thank you guys for reading this book, honestly didn't even know I'd make this far with 5k read in 2 months. Thought it be way longer than that 😅

Have a good rest of your day, especially with final weeks, graduation, and testing!!

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