Redheads encounter

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Y/n P.O.V.

  I got a notification from FRIDAY stating I had mission to accomplish, and the file has been dropped off at my room. I quickly finished my training and rushed to my room, as I turned on the last corner I bumped into two people. With red hair on both heads.

I'm so dead.

"I sorry! I sorry!" I said looking down when I saw how both of them stared at me as if I had insulted them. It was dead silent and I took a peak to see that their both looking at me, "I so sorry, I'll go away." I whispered and went around and finally made it to my room. I slammed the door quickly and leaned against it banging my head along the door.

I took a quick shower and went to my desk to see what the mission was about. It was a simple break in and stela some info and get out. The only problem was I was the only person to go in, and there was at least 300 people guarding that big ass building. I got a message saying my ride is outside, and I walked out hoping to not to bump into anyone else today.

"Hey devil" I heard Wanda call from behind me, I  quickly stopped and turned around to see her giving me a small smile. "Stay safe out there." She whispered as if it was a sin to talk to a person like me.

Hence cuz I'm the devil 😈 (well you are but... Yk)

I gave her a small smile and nodded at her, and noticed a small hand coming around her waist and Natasha's head rested on her shoulders. The witch the proceeds to kiss the widow on her head and give her hand a light squeeze, they make a cute couple.

"Thank you" I said and left to complete my mission.
Few hours later

"You clearly don't know what the word safe means do you." You jump a little when you heard Natasha's voice from behind, what is with these girls and scaring me from behind? I looked back and noticed she was in shorts and a tank top, with no bra. What a site, even Y/N jr. Has awaken.

"Devil?" I get my thoughts out of the gutter and give her a nod, not knowing what had happened. She googled at my lost action. "I asked if you need help with your wounds." I quickly shook my head and continued to limp my way to my room. Unknown that the widow was walking behind me all the way. As soon as I reached the door, I started to get hella dizzy and had to lean on the wall for support.

"I'll ask you again, do you need help." I heard her stern voice. And damn was that sexy, I just nodded not trusting my voice at the moment. She opened the door for me and guided me to the restroom and commanded me to aid on the toilet, while she fixes my face first.

A couple minutes go by and it's still silent, she was almost done with fixing my face. I had my eyes closed since staring at her might make her feel uncomfortable. When I finally think she is done I feel a soft finger tracing the scar that goes across my eyebrows and my eye. I open both my eyes to see her looking back at me, "how did you get this?" She whispered, I softly grabbed her hand and took it away from my face and gave her a small smile.

"Punishment."  She looked down at our joins had and pulled me up and turned me around to face the bathroom mirror. "Take it off." I quickly blushed and gripped the sink till my knuckles turned white. "Take it off so I can heal your chest." I slowly nodded and started to proceed to take it off when I groaned in pain.

"Let me help you, turn around." I did as I was told and lifted up my arms slowly so she can take the damaged shirt off. She had to get on her toes since she couldn't reach witch I found cute. Once she threw the shirt in the bin she stared right at my chest for a long time. I started to feel insecure about it and slowly started to cover my stomach and chest, when she looked up at you in realization of what she was doing.

"Sorry it's just, you got a nice body. So sad that it was treated this way." You gave her a small nod of understanding and turned around when you heard her gasp.


"I'm fine." You gave out when you saw her from the mirror looking at the big ass scar you got on your spine, (if you watch Avatar you'll understand). "How do-" she tried to say it while hovering over it. "Test subject gone wrong." She understood by my tone that I didn't want to talk about it, and quickly got to work.

By the time she was done it was almost 3 am I noticed she had some eye bags. "Why..up when I come back?" She stopped tracing patterns on my bed and looked up to me sitting on the desk chair now facing her. "I um, had a nightmare," I gave her a gesture for her to go on.

"I was in the red room fighting off widows when I heard some calling out for "the secret weapon" and when I turn around I see Wanda. And when I looked at her, she didn't have those love, caring eyes. They where full of hate and wanting to kill." She said bringing up her knees to her chin with tears at bay.

I hummed and turned around to write her something, since my dumbass can't speak for shit. After I was done I gave her the note and hesitated to put my hand on her shoulder as she reads it.

'You and her have a deep connection, the reason why you got this nightmare is not because it's going to become true. It showing you that in one of your most darkest, haunting places. The love of your life, your person. Was there. Even though she was fighting you. You still didn't have the heart to hurt her because you still saw and believed she was the same person in there.'

I patted her back and was about to walk back to my seat when I felt her grab my wrist, she then pulled me into a hug and started to cry. I started to panic a little bit since no one has ever cried to me, I thought I was the perfect who was making her cry and started to apologize to her. She pulled back and gave you a kiss on your cheek and pulled away and made her way to the door.

"Thank you for this, I need to hear it. Hope you feel better soon." She gave me a small smile and left the room closing the door behind her. I cleaned up my room for a little bit before heading off to sleep. Hopefully having a nice peaceful dream.

It's so funny how I think I can have a GRAIN of happiness, and peacefulness.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now