The new offer

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Y/N P.O.V.

" Do you think she's awake? I swear she was awake an hour ago." You heard Dr. Banner speak, you weren't asleep. But had your eyes closed as if you where. You open them up to see the complete gang of Avengers, looking at you as if you where an exotic animal. As you where glancing at all of them you couldn't help but stare at the two redheads. They had their arms liked together and where a little back Fran the group.

They looked happy, and cute together. Then you remembered what you did to them and why and how you ended up here.

You stood up and slowly made your way towards the group noticing fury wasn't there. And Bucky was hesitant to even look at you. You stopped and tilted your bed to the side watching, and waiting for one of them to speak. Which obviously didn't work so you decided to take initiative.

"F...fury...where him?" You spoke out which shocked all of them, either because a grown ass woman couldn't speak correctly. Or because it's the first time you ever spoke to them, "He said he'll be here in 10 minutes Y/N" you flinch at the name when Bucky called it out.

"We heard a long about you, a killer, monster. Loyal to Hydra. We need some information and we want you to tell us. Now." Stark said as he approached and looked even more mad when he was up on the glass. I flinched a little bit and put my head down nodding, afraid of their punishment they might give me.

"Leave her alone stark, your scaring her." Bucky said trying to defend me, but something inside was almost snapping every time he would open his mouth. He left me, I helped him escape and he left me. He promised to come and get me but here he is in the other side of the the cage. Free.

"Oh please! Like she was afraid killing millions of innocent people for the fun of it." He barked back, and that's when they where starting to argue more at each other. The yelling and the aggressive shoved, all because of me. I was the problem. It was to much for me, I would rather be in hydras base getting punched, tased, whipped than to stand here and hear the loud yelling.


I flinched at the voice in my head and looked up, only to see the witch looking at me with a ..... concern look? I looked to her partner to see her looking at me from my hands up to my face and back down again. I followed her eyes to see blood coming out of my balled up fist, I opens them to see four crescent marks on my palmed with blood coming out. I quickly wiped it on my thighs and looked back at the witch.

'Get out of my head'

'Why, scared of what I might find'

'Try and find out what happens. Don't want a repeat of last time do you?'

I saw her flinch and gripped onto the widows arms more. I looked back at the group to see them all just looking at me. I stared right back not knowing what had happened. "I see you guys are getting used to your new teammate." A voice came from one of the intercoms. We all looked up to see fury and agent Hill up on the booth looking down.

It took a minute to realize what he just said, and all hell broke lose.

"She is not joining us!"
"She should be locked up till she dies!"
"I say let it die!"
"This is t the Lorax dumbass"

"ENOUGH!" Fury yelled into the intercom, "she has stated she doesn't want to be an avenger but to still help. She will stay her in the tower, but work directly from me, take only my orders. Do you understand?" He finished and then looked at me.

"If she agrees to the new offer."

"This will be your room devil, right across is nats and Wanda's room." Hill said while leaning against the door frame while I took in the big ass room. I honestly couldn't believe this was mine to sleep in, I heard a chuckle and turned to see Hill smiling at me.

"Sorry it's just so cute seeing your face when you realized this is all yours." I gave her a confused look, "c-c...cute?" I stumbled out, she nodded and then gave me another pity look.

"May I ask why you can't fully speak, I've read your files but after all these years you can't say a full sentence." She sat down on a the desk chair I had in the room and gave me her full attention. I walked close to her and grabbed a pen and pencil from the drawer and went to writing.

I was taken at a young age, had mask all time.

"I can help you if you'd like." She said and hesitates to put a hand on my shoulder. I realized wasn't a threat to me. Don't know what to call her but I know she wouldn't hurt me unless commanded to.

I gently grabbed her hand and put it on my shoulder. "I... like very much....a.agent" I smiled a little to ease both of our nerves. She nodded and left the room, but before she closed the door she turned her head and was having a hard time to say what she wanted to say. I waited patiently for her to speak.

"Would you like to eat here or at the dinning room?" I pointed my finger to floor, stating that I wanted to eat here alone. She nodded in understanding and left.

                                (Y/N room)

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(Y/N room)

A few minutes of looking around d the room you decided to play the piano, it was something that your master taught you to play for them. But it also calmed you down every time you play the instrument. As you sat down on the bench and admired the beautiful piano, you didn't notice hill had came back with your food.

"Do you play?" You jumped a little from her voice, and slowly nodded. "How did you learn?" She puts the plate on your desk and decides to sit next to you, leaving a lil bit of space incase you where uncomfortable.

"M-master....make play this." You look down, remembering day where they would just take you to your master and play the instrument, but if you where to mess up you'll be severely
Punished for the mistake. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. If it makes you better we all have our scars." She said.

"No...I..d-deserve it, I monster." I shook my head and looked up to see her looking at the doorway, I followed her eyes to see the witch looking at us. More like looking at you.

"Are you okay Wanda? Is there something you need from me?" Hill asked while getting up and walking in front of you so you couldn't see the redhead. "I was wondering if the devil had gotten a plate since we had leftovers."

Hill released a sigh and looked back to see me confused as ever to the situation that's going on. "I grabbed her a plate but thank you for checking up on her." She replied while gesturing her hand to the plate on the desk. That's when I realized how much of a portion was on it.

I immediately went to the plate and gave it back to hill, who in returned had a panicked look in her face. "What's wrong? Are you allergic to anything on the plate."

Shook your head no

"Do you not like what was cooked." She said glancing back at Wanda who walked closer to the two of you. "Too much." You whispered out and put your head down waiting for the punishment of not being thankful that they gave you a lot of food.

"What do you mean too much? It's literally a normal sized plate. Wanda asked me, I looked up between her and the plate and picked up the the roll that was in there and walked to to the desk, and pick up the water bottle.

"This e-enough, don't...deserve food." You gave them both a small smile and walked to a corner far from them and sat down, staring to eat. "Devil you haven't eaten since you've gotten here, and I doubt you never ate at hydra." Hill stated, noticing how you flinched at the base you came from.

"I'm sorry." You said looking away.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now