Reminiscing on the past 

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Y/n P.O.V.

As I sit here in the dimly lit cell, my mind drifts back to the horrors I endured in the clutches of the Hydra base. It was a place of nightmares, where my every waking moment was plagued by the sadistic cruelty of my captor, the Spider. I was subjected to unimaginable torment within those cold, steel walls.

The Spider, an epitome of malevolence, took pleasure in inflicting pain upon me. She reveled in the power she held over my life, using her position as my "master" to strip away my dignity, bit by agonizing bit. Every day was a constant struggle for survival, as she pushed me to the edge of my physical and mental limits.

It all began when I was kidnapped and brought to the Hydra base, a secret facility hidden from the prying eyes of the world. I was chosen as a test subject, a victim of their twisted experiments. Chemicals were forcefully injected into my veins, altering my very being and gifting me with strange and uncontrollable powers. Little did I know that this "gift" would become the catalyst for my suffering.

The Spider saw my newfound abilities as a means to further her sadistic desires. She relished in testing the limits of my powers, pushing me to harness them against my will. Failure was met with brutal consequences, as she would subject me to unimaginable pain. It seemed as though death itself would have been a kinder fate than what she bestowed upon me.

The physical abuse was only the tip of the iceberg. The Spider was a master manipulator, using psychological torture to break my spirit. She would taunt me, whispering venomous words into my ear, exploiting my deepest insecurities. Her words penetrated my soul, leaving scars that no physical wound could match. I was constantly reminded of my worthlessness, my otherness, and my inability to escape her clutches.

Time lost all meaning within those walls. Days blurred into nights, and nights into days. Each passing moment, I yearned for freedom, for a chance to escape this living nightmare. But hope was a fleeting concept, something that only taunted me from a distance. The Spider had taken away any semblance of autonomy, reducing me to a shell of my former self.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of resilience ignited within me. I refused to succumb entirely to the Spider's cruelty. I clung to the fragments of my identity, the strength that resided deep within my core. It was through this resilience that I discovered the power of defiance, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

In the depths of my despair, I found solace in small acts of rebellion. Whether it was a defiant glare or a whispered affirmation of my own worth, these small acts of defiance gave me a sense of agency. They became my lifeline, a reminder that even in captivity, I could still maintain a sliver of control over my own destiny.

As time went on, the Spider's hold on me began to waver. The experiments that once brought her delight now filled her with frustration. My powers grew stronger, uncontrollable. I became a force to be reckoned with, a threat to her power and authority. And with each passing day, I saw her desperation grow.

"Baby...can you hear me?"

My thoughts where taken away as I focused my attention back to what was happening.

As of right now we are back at the tower where everyone is more civilized. I took a quick glance around the room and noticed nat and wands giving me a concerned look. I hav e them a small smile to ease their worries, focusing my attention at tony.

Who isn't taking it so well.

"Look Devil, I know we haven't been in good terms, and I would apologize for it. Is there anything you can think of to save my daughter." Tony pleaded across the table, I was brought back to what I was thinking before answering.

"The name is y/n Tony, don't apologize you had a reason to hate me. As for Morgan...I don't know where she could be, but I do know what they can do to her." I said looking down, knowing I just made the man more worried over his child.

"What do you mean? You don't know her location? What doe you mean what they can do to her?" He said getting more agitated, I sighed knowing I have to give him more information.

"I have been destroying every hydra base I could remember, but with every one I take down. Two more shows up." I answered the first question, I really didn't want to answer the other especially with pepper just walking in on the meeting.

"And the second question?" He demanded, I could only shake my head. Looking everywhere but his eyes.

"That's a question that shouldn't be answered Stark." I warned him, he slammed the table making most of flinch from his action.


"I DO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO LOSE A CHILD STARK, I WARXH MY BABY DAUGHTER WHO ONLY HAD FIVE MINUTES TO LIVE UNTIL SHE WAS STRANGLED TO DEATH BY HER OWN MOTHER. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" I yelled back at him, this caused the whole room to get silent. All eyes, some where holding back tears. Others gave pity.

"I know what it's like to lose a child, why do you think I'm trying to think of where she could be? You want to know what they will do to your daughter, huh? They will make her like me...broken." I said, I went outside of the meeting room to take a breather.

I looked up, praying to whoever is up there to keep Morgan safe until we can get her back.

I stayed outside thinking of areas where she could be, until I thought of an idea. I quickly rushed to room and pulled up a holographic map of Europe.

"I think I can find an area where she can be, it's not an exact spot but we can dive in deeper." I suggested, as I was Looking at the map, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my right to see the billionaire giving me a thankful look.
Couple of hours later~

After hours of searching and a little bit of hacking, we finally narrowed 2 bases where she could be held. The only problem is it's in two different citys, who are the most dangerous parts of Europe could offer. Albania, and Athens.

"How do you want us to do this Stark?" I asked, separating the two cities, looking at their landscape.

"This one is on you y/n, you know these bases. I trust your judgment." He said taking me by surprise. "But I do have one condition, I go with you." He said, I gave him a nod of understanding.

I quickly gathered the whole group to make two teams.



Once I told them what they are required to do, we  went our way tot he waiting quinjets. As we prepared for the mission I was pulled away from the group to a dark area.

"Think you can survive out their on your own?" I smiled at the voice behind me, I turned around to be faced by two beautiful women.

My women.

"I think you forgot the definition of the word team." I teased, they both slowly approached and wrapped me in their arms. Giving them both kisses and a playful slap on their asses we head back for the jets. Another quick goodbyes and we headed out to Europe.

"Do you think we can save her in time?" Tony whispers, looking down at his helmet. I sat close enough to put a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't promise you anything but trying my hardest to get your child back." I said truthfully, since that's all I could offer.

Hopefully we aren't to late, hold on Morgan. Your coming back home.

Hopefully this was a good hook for you guys to grasp what will happen next chapter.

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