Missing you

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Y/N P.O.V.

After our shock on Wanda's dream, I quickly calmed both of them down. Considering the amount of time I've had visions that can somewhat look like the future half of those ever happen. I continued to pack my bags, with both ladies still in my room.

Once I was done, I put my bags near the door so I won't forget. Turning my attention to my girls I couldn't help the small smile penetrate on my face. In front of me was two beautiful girls asleep on my bed, snuggled together. I quickly took a picture of them, also noticing the time.

It's time for me to leave.

I silently went outside of my room, and made my way to one person I had to see one more time. I made my ways through the quite dark hallways, after a few turns I had final made it to my destination.

I carefully opened the sliding door and entered myself into the room, making my way to the bed I gently shook the small girl awake. "Morgan wake up, I got to go." I whispered to her, a few shakes and I finally got my first response from her.

"If don't have an important reason for waking me up from my beauty sleep I'm going to kill you" she mumbled into her pillow, I chuckled at her response.

"I'm guessing me leaving for a while isn't as important I guess. I'll leave you to you beauty sleep princess." I teased, pretending to get up from her bed. Only for my arm to get hugged by small hands.

"Please don't go, how would I know if your still alive?" She whispered into my neck, I gave her a gentle squeeze and pulled her closer to my lap.

"I'll give Wanda, and your mom my number. So if you ever need something just call me, and don't forget about that necklace okay?" I reminded her, feeling her relax into my arms.

"Don't use it unless I'm in danger." She responded, I gave her a smile of pride knowing she remembered our conversation. I don't know what came over me but I gave her head a kiss, and decided to tuck her back to bed.

"Don't give the guys a hard time will you." I joked, early a small hit from her. "Don't be to nice for Hydra. Show them who the Real Devil is." She jokes back. I looked at the time to see I still have time to say my last goodbye.

I made my way back to my room, noticing both Natasha was awake. She turned to the door, giving me a small smile knowing that it's time to go. I did the same thing to Wanda as I did to Morgan to wake up.

A few moments passed and she decided to wake up, both Natasha and I waited for Wanda to fully wake up. It took her a minute to realize what was going on. Here comes the fireworks.

"Slept well darling?" I gently asked taking Wanda into my arms, as nat took my other side. Bringing my arm over her body, I gave her a kiss on the forehead bringing my attention back to stiff witch on my side.

"Do we have to do this?" She asked quietly, before I could respond nat took over the question.

"We have no choice, it's the only thing we can do. This isn't a good by baby, we can have meet ups during the week or something like that." She said bring Wanda's hand to her lips, earning a small smile from the attention.

"Like a date?" She asked quietly like she was answering a wrong question. I chucked at her nervous behavior, she gave me a small pinch to my ribs making me start to laugh.

"It can be whatever you want it to be darling." I said, she smiled up at the both of us. I noticed it was my time to leave, I'm guessing by the look on my face the girls knew as well.

"I'm gonna miss you guys, please take care of each other okay?" I said giving Wanda kiss before pulling her off of me so I could give Nat some attention as well. I pulled her into me, giving her a kiss as well. "Take care of her, as do you to yourself okay?" I whispered to Nats ear.

I pulled away to get a confused look from her but a nod of confirmation that's she herd me.

I walked to my bags, looking back to see the sad faces. "How about you guys walk me to the garage?" I asked both smiled at the request and attached themselves on each side the whole way there.

"Im guessing this is where we part ways huh?" I asked gently, all three of us did a group hug. Giving them one last kiss I decided to put my stuff into the trunk and made my way to the driver seat. I turned the car on and rolled down my window.

"Don't get ugly on me." I teased them, earning me two scary head tilts, "Don't be a stranger!" Tasha yelled out as I pulled back from the garage. "Don't try to be a hero Y/n" I heard Wanda say I felt offended by that statement, I'm guessing I showed it on my face since both girls started to laugh.

"I'm the Devil darling, who said anything about being a hero?" I gave them Both a flying kiss and sped off onto the road. A few minutes goes by and I get a notification from my phone, luckily I was at a red light to check it out.

You where added to a group chat called 'GaY bOZoS 💅🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩'

I couldn't help but laugh at the name.

GaY bOZoS 💅🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Nat-cotics🔫🇷🇺: miss us already?
Wiggle-woo💋🧞‍♀️: nat she is driving, leave her alone and go finish packing😡

Forbidden fingers 😈: First of all I'm at a red light, second you added me to a group chat so you must miss me that much already 🤨

Nat-cotics🔫🇷🇺: shut up and drive
Wiggle-woo💋🧞‍♀️: what she meant to say was drive safely

I turned off my phone as soon as the light turned green, i couldn't help but honk what would happen from this point on. Will Wanda's dream actually come true? Do we meet again? My thoughts clouded my mind the rest of the drive throughout the night.

I know I said how the book will be updated every Friday but I felt bad for the long gap you guys had to wait for a chapter.

I will update my other book either tomorrow or the following day.

Hopefully you guys are taking care of yourselves.


Also how do you guys like the gc?? It just popped into my head, give me feedback on what you guys think.

Should I keep the gc going or just stop it?

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now