Open arms?

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1 year later

Y/N P.O.V.


That's the last thing I hear as I run away from the 'spider' with a hard drive in my hand. I need to give this back to its original owner ASAP. I managed to escape the building and hijack a car
In the parking garage.

As I drove to the airport my vision started to get blurry, I somehow made it to the entrance and started to run to the specific gate I was supposed to go to. Pushing people out the way as I did.

As I made it to the gate, I noticed a group of agents making a path for me to head towards the jet. I made my way through them and leaned against one of them as they helped me walk to the jet.

As soon as I made it inside I plopped my self on the couch. "So you're just going to get blood all over the new jet?" Someone spoke, I turned my head to the voice and tossed the drive to them.

"Nothing a little scrub can fix." I scoffed and made my self more comfortable for the long flight ahead. "It's good to have you back Agent Devil." They spoke.

"It good to be back Fury."
Wanda's P.O.V.

"Tell your girlfriend that fury is going to have a meeting with all of us in a few hours." Sam said as he walked in on me making dinner for them. I gave him a nod, and stead dinner is ready for them. And to come serve them selves.

I made a bowl for me and Nat, and made my way to her office. I gently knocked and heard a soft 'come in' as my que to enter, placing the food on the table o sat down on Natasha's lap. Running hands through her now short blond hair.

"Still can't find her?" I asked while looking at the world map that's being displayed over her desk, with some notes on different areas. "No, it's like she just vanished in thin air. What about your end?" She said rubbing back, I gave head shake.

"I don't know how she was able to make a dimension, once I do then I'll try and see if I can go to hers. If it exist." I replied as I reached over and placed our bowls in front of us.

"Well where ever she is, we are going to find her. And when I see her, I'm gonna kill her." Nat joked and took a sip of her soup, moaning at how good it is.

"Also, Sam told me, to tell you, that Fury is going to have a meeting with us in a few hours." I sipped some of mine, she gave me a nod of acknowledgment of what I had said. We both continued to eat and enjoy each others company, both thinking where Y/N could possibly be.

And if she is still alive.
Y/N P.O.V.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I open my eyes up to see fury with a bag of food. I took it and looked around to see the plane had landed, I thanked him and both made our way outside.

"So what did you tell them when I went away? Anything I should know?" I said taking a bite out of my fry, he gave me a look and I gave him one right back.

"I see the kid has rubbed off on you, but about the question. I told them you ran away, the rest was up to them to make up." He answered swiping a card for us to enter the building. That's when I actually noticed we where back at the avengers new base. Yes I kept track on them, judge me.

I followed Furry and noticed some familiar voices, I gave him a look. "What are you doing?" I questioned, he gave me a file which I don't know where he fucking pulled from. "I have looked at some of the stuff that was on the drive. We are having a meeting to finally destroy them." I gave him a nod, giving my unfinished meal to an agent that was passing by.

"Your not going to change?" He asked before her could open the door, I gave him a question look. Which just made him do an up and down look. I did the same on my self and noticed how much blood was on me, half of it wasn't even mine.

"Nah, makes me look bad ass." I said, I could only get a head shake from him. "Don't do anything rational, I know you know what happened with your sister is still new. Just don't kill him." Fury said opening the door.

"No promises" I whispered.

And soon as I entered the room went dead silent, all eyes where looking at me. I felt a two pairs of eyes I knew so well. How I missed them. I continued my ways to the front of the room and stood next to fury. Looking directly at the table, and no one or anything else.

"As of today, we have enough information to finally defeat hydra. If you look into the file, you can see their weaknesses and strengths, now that they don't have any enhancement anymore, we can finally strike. You guys will have a week to train yourselves for this fight. We have one chance to do this, you fuck up one thing, you fuck it it up for the rest of us." Furry said, once he got a few nods of understand, he gave me a glance. Giving one of his stupid smirks.

"You should all thank agent Y/N for this information, she has risked her life to get that data your looking at. And as of today, she will be in charge of this mission. After you debrief them, meet in my office. Stop by a shower to get all that blood off of you before they okay?" I gave him a nod, and watched him leave the room.

"So you went back to hydra? That's where you been? Couldn't leave a note, saying -" I cut tony off before he could say another word.

"Well you guys seemed so desperate to defeat an enemy you can't beat for gods knows why. You should be lucky I took Nicks offer, the amount of times I have saved you all the past year without anyone of you to notice. And I don't get a thank you." I stated holding my side, noticing it wasn't done healing.

"Thank you Devil" I looked up to see Morgan, she grew and inch last time I saw her. She gave me an up and down look, asking if she could give me a hug.

I opened my arms slightly, giving her a nod. She took that as a yes and sprinted to me, jumping so I could catch her. As she bear hugged me her legs accidentally hit my wound, I bit my lip hoping no one saw the pain I was in.

But to my dismay I got caught by both red- wait a damn minute, NATS A BLONDE!?
OKAY. So from this point on shit is going to happen, I promise it will be worth it for the waits.

See ya ✌🏽

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now