Not so seceret party

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Y/n P.O.V.

As I stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting my tailored suit, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Tonight was the night we would be infiltrating a high-profile mafia party, and the three of us—Natasha and Wanda, my incredible lovers—were going undercover. But this wasn't just any mission; it required us to come up with a convincing story about how I became a mafia member and ended up marrying both of them.

Natasha, the epitome of elegance in her sleek black dress, leaned against the dressing table, her fiery red hair cascading over her shoulder. Her piercing green eyes met mine in the mirror, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "So, darling," she purred, her voice dripping with mischief, "have you figured out our cover story?"

Wanda, radiant in a flowing crimson gown, chimed in, her warm brown eyes shining with anticipation. She joined Natasha by my side, interlocking her fingers with mine. "Yes, tell us, love. How did a daring and captivating individual like yourself end up with two incredible women by your side?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm. Their unwavering support and love were what made this mission feel not only possible but exhilarating. "Well, ladies," I began, adopting a confident tone, "I think our cover story should be one of a classic love triangle, with a twist, of course. We'll say that I was the rising star of a rival mafia, and both of you were part of my entourage. But instead of fighting over me, you two found love in each other, and we formed an unbreakable bond."

Natasha's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Sounds intriguing. And what's the twist?"

I smirked, feeling a surge of pride in my creative solution. "The twist is that you both turned out to be double agents, secretly working for our mafia. You fell in love with me and decided to help me infiltrate the rival organization. We convinced them that we were willing to betray our own, but in reality, we were gathering valuable information to bring them down."

Wanda's lips curled into a sly grin. "I love it. It's a story that blends love, loyalty, and cunning. Perfect for the occasion."

As I fastened the buttons on my suit jacket, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the trust and chemistry we shared. Natasha and Wanda were my partners in every sense of the word. We were a team, ready to face any challenge, even if it meant navigating the dangerous world of organized crime.

With one last glance in the mirror, I met their eyes, a surge of confidence surging through me. "Alright, ladies, let's make this story come alive tonight. We'll charm our way through the party, gather the information we need, and dismantle the mafia from within. Together."

Natasha and Wanda shared a knowing look, their love and determination mirroring mine. We were prepared to face the unknown, armed with our cover story and bound by an unbreakable bond. As we left the room, ready to face the night, I couldn't help but feel an electric thrill of anticipation. With Natasha and Wanda by my side, there was nothing we couldn't accomplish.

Sounded so fucking cheesy, disgusting.
At party'

The rhythmic beat of music pulsed through the dimly lit room, suffusing the air with a lively energy. I stood at the entrance of the extravagant mafia party, dressed in a sleek black suit that hugged my figure, my heart pounding with anticipation. Wanda and Nat, by my side, were impeccably dressed in elegant gowns, their beauty captivating all those around them.

Tonight, we were a team on a mission. I was undercover as a mafia member, while Wanda and Nat played the roles of my wives. Our target, Candy Taker, was known to be a Hydra supplier, and it was our task to gather information and, if possible, bring him down.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now