Whats wrong with being alone?

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Y/N P.O.V.

Today is the day, somehow it feels like I'm dropping off my kid to school on their first day. But I don't have kids, make that shit make sense. Right now me and Morgan are standing on top of a building, looking at the avengers tower.

"So...why are we up here again, you know I can just walk through the doors right?" She asked looking down at the busy streets below us. I chuckled and shook my head even if she wasn't looking my way. "Now where's the fun in that?" I gently grabbed her shoulder and looked at the tower and teleported there. Yes another talent of mine (yours).

"Never again will you do that without warning me, and how where y-" I covered her mouth before she can ask anymore questions. I put my lips together with my finger hover over it.

'Don't make another sound, we are going to surprise the fuck out of them.'

She nodded and turned around to look over the corner, once it was clear we silently made our way over to the commotion in the meeting room.
We finally made it and put our ears to the door, and sexy to wait until the perfect time to surprise them.

"We can't just walk in there with the information we have, it's  suicide." Steve said, a few mumble until we could hear a clear voice. "I don't care as long as my daughter is safe that's all that matters." Tony yelled out, I placed a general hand on Morgan's shoulder and gave her a smile.

'Told you they care for you.'

She rolled her eyes and put her ear back on the door, as did I. "We are blind, we have read every single detail in her fucking journal." Bucky said, wait... a journal? It can't be mine I hid that shit pretty good, unless.

"You know it's not nice to read other people's stories when they never gave you permission." I looked down to see the little gremlin had gone into the room, if only I could see the look on their faces. "Morgan?!" I heard some of them shout, I took a little peak to see them all crowding tony while he's hugging her. She looked my way and gave me a big smile, I gave her a nod and turned around about to leave when I hear familiar footsteps.

Third P.O.V.

"So your just going to leave again? Here I was thinking you actually cared about other people feelings." Natasha spoke behind Y/N, a moment of silence had taken place. "I care more for lives than feelings, I thought you guys knew" Y/N responded and turned around to see two angry faced red heads. Wanda suddenly ran to Y/N closed arms and started to cry, Y/N stood there looking scared not knowing what to do in those situations. Thankfully the assassin had come what seem to help, but just joined the groups hug.

Y/N slowly wrapped their arms around the petite girls and kissed both of their heads, which then caused the witch to cry more and Nat to hold on tighter.  They noticed vision and Bruce's looking at me in anger, she read Bruce's mind to find how jealous he is, can just guess the same for the toaster. Y/N had gripped the women tighter and teleported them to their room.


Y/N P.O.V.

When I teleported us to my old room I locked the door and told FRIDAY to put my room on soundproof. I noticed that the bed wasn't made and looked like someone has been sleeping in it. I  carefully placed the ladies down and grabbed the desk chair and sat in front of them. Natasha was rubbing Wanda's back as she was getting herself together, I on the other hand I was trying to calm myself down. Being next to both of them made me nervous somehow.

"I didn't know you can teleport." The witch spoke holding Natasha's hands, I noticed her other would twitch like it wanted the same attention. "There is a lot of thing you don't know about me." I spoke which caused confusion on their faces, I noticed this conversation isn't going anywhere.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now