Finishing to just get more

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Y/n P.O.V.

"We need to tell fury what's going on, we can't just keep these girls in the penthouse." I said, going to the living room seeing the group of girls watching tv. I took out my phone, before I could dial I felt a hand stopping me. Looking down I saw it belong to Natasha.

"Leave the red room out. Trust me on this." She said, I looked into her eyes noticing how important this is for her. "I trust you with my life, that's why I'm handing this mission over to you. You need some type of closure." I said kissing her phone and stepping out to call fury.

"Agent y/n, got anything for me."

"We got a lead from candy taker, he is smuggling girls to hydra. I have the girls here in the penthouse."

"Good job agent, do you know what Hydra is doing with the girls?"

"No sir, my guess is probably making female capsicles."

"Seem like they would, I will send a few agent to help put the girls into safe homes, and I'll send the avengers to your location."

"Thank you sir."

"Oh and y/n"


"Don't lie to me again."

I looked down to see he had hung up, so much for keeping a secret with him. I went back inside to tell the grown women the plan, while I told the little girls that they are either getting sent back home or into new homes.
Natasha's P.O.V.
As I watched y/n talk outside, one of the girls who I came to know as Kara, asked if I could play with her. I noticed how distant she is with the others, it wasn't like the girls didn't like her. It was more she didn't like them.

She grabbed a deck of cards that Wanda had bought, don task me why she decided to buy cards. Anyway, me and Kara decided to play speed on the mini bar, Wanda coming in to check up on us.

"I know why they took us." Kara spoke, stopping her movements with the cards in her hand. Pushing the cards away, I gave her my full attention.

"Why did they take you?" I asked, I noticed y/n coming inside. I took a quick glance, motioning her to come over.

"The red room, they wanted us to become like you." Kara spoke, this gotten my attention even more so, I took down the red room, I killed that monsters child.

"It can't be I took that organization down a long time ago!" I said , getting out of my chair and started to pace around. This had gotten the attention of Wanda and some of the girls.

"It isn't ask that woman over there you seem to be all over on." She said, I looked back at her to see her pointing at y/n. I looked at her to see her giving me guilty eyes, this can't be.

Baby breath

I looked at Wanda who was giving me a concern look, I realized my eyesight was getting blurry. Noticing I had gotten the attention of everyone in the room, not liking the attention I ran to the bedroom shutting and locking the door.

"Nat, open the door." I heard y/n pleading on the other side, I could hear the doorknob jiggle. I couldn't stop the tears from dropping down my face. She lied to me, I told her about my time in there and she didn't have the heart to tell me the truth. Did she lie about anything else? Does she really love me? Am I less than Wanda, I don't have powers I'm just some stupid assassin.

Your not some stupid assassin, you're my girlfriend who I love as much as I love Wanda.

Get out of my head y/n, you lying piece of shit, I don't know why I fell in love with you.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now