Im sorry

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This chapter is going to be very short for a reason, enjoy.

5 years later....

Y/n P.O.V.

It's been five years since the blight, it's been close to 6 years since I've actually had contact with the avengers, or the ones still alive after I escaped wakanda.I'm currently in a small town in New Zealand, I've made my life a little normal from those years.

But it's gotten very lonely, and it's my fault.

I've been going in and out of this dimension to visit my sister and Pietro, they are doing fine by the way. Just gotten mad at me a little for the long no contact situation.

But still I'm alive.

It's been quiet in New Zealand since I've been here, I live in a small apartment facing the mountains. And I work in a restaurant as a waitress, which is where I'm about head down to in a few seconds.

I keep having a few nights where I can't sleep, I've noticed how skinny I've become, I can't eat knowing what I did when I was with Thanos.

Speaking of him, I haven't seen nor heard anything from him I don't know is that when I was with him, he was planning something big. But hopefully he's taking a long vacation.
I've been at work for a few hours now, I'm about to take the last customers for the night until I hear the door bell go off.

"nau mai haere mai! noho koe ki hea, ka noho kino ki reira mo te tuarua."

Welcome! Sit anywhere you like and I'll come in a second to take your orders

As I took the current customers card I made my way to the cashier to pay for their food, still not having noticed the person that walked in. I walked back to my table and told them to have a good night, I felt eyes piercing my back.

Looking to find the culprit I saw the playboy genius, Tony Stark.

"What can I get for you sir?" I gave him my best waitress voice and looked at my pad instead of him.

"Ill take a black coffee, with two sugars and an explanation on why your not fighting with us to defeat a dildo who's snaps kill. Also a cheeseburger and some fries on the side." I could tell he was giving me his signature smirk, thinking he won this conversation.

"A large black coffee, two sugars, a cheeseburger and fries coming up. It will only be a few minutes sir." I tore off the ticket and hanged it up for the cooks to make the order, as that happened I cleaned my tables and picked up some tips I've gotten.

I hear the bell ring, notifying me that someone's food is ready, knowing who it belonged to since he's was basically the only person in the restaurant. I reluctantly went and picked up the food and made my way to Tony and dropped it off.

Before I could quickly make my leave he held my wrist tightly, "y/n you have to come back, we need you, she needs you." He begged out to me, I lowered my head in shame.

"We found a way to get everyone back, defeat Thanos. You can get both of your girls back, it's that enough?" He told me what they were planning, I knew about some of it from the many voicemails Tony and even Steve have left me. Don't bother asking how they found my number, cuz I don't even know myself.

"It wouldn't be the same, I've lost both of them forever. Sometimes not everyone can be happy, some of us have to take the fault for it as well." I looked back at him, knowing this is going to take awhile.

"What you did with him wasn't your fault, you were mind controlled." He tried to reason with me, but it didn't cuz I had some control but not all . And I've could've done better.

"Why are you actually here? Why are you desperate to try and fix things? You have the money, fame, attention, the perfect wife, the perfect daughter who loves so much. Why risk it again?"

"Cuz of the future, we do this for the ppl in the future, the ones that are better than us. Who can make this fucked up world a little less fucked up." He said, he then placed $200 worth in my hands and slowly began to get off his seat.

"You have the chance to fix this y/n, right there wrong the people have done to you." With that he opened the door and walked out. I didn't know what to say but that idiot may have made his way into my mind. What I didn't expect was my body to feel the cool air from the night sky.

"Tony wait!" I saw him let go of his doors handle to look back up at me.

"If I do come, and we get everyone back. If it comes to a moment that needs someone to make that play, promise me that you will take care of them." He looked like he was going to protest, be knew better than that and agreed with me. I quickly untied my apron and walked closer to Tony's car.

"Glad to have you back on the team devil." He whispered and stared his engine, as we made it to the airport.

"We'll see about that." I said under my breath
New avengers compound *

"So what we have as of right now is a time travels machine and we are splitting up to get the stones and only have one try?" I summed up of what Steve and Bruce had just finished telling me.

As of right now I'm in a tight suit and standing in front of the remaining avengers including a retired man who doesn't seem like himself. That's what Tony told me.

"So everyone knows where and what to do?" Bruce said next to the controls, when I took a glance at Natasha, only to see her looking down at her ring finger. Guilt waved heavily on me, but my gut was telling me something, a warning for me to take.

So I did.

"Wait!" I stopped the green man from pressing any buttons, everyone looked at me waiting for me to do something.

"Natasha switch with me." I pleaded with her.

"Why would I do that?" She crossed her arms as a way of standing her ground.

"I have a feeling my powered will work better in your situation." I made up, cuz I honestly didn't know what to say for my case.

"Natasha do it." Steve spoke up she gave him a look of betrayal but solemnly switch places.

"Remember you guys are timed, so I suggest you hurry." Bruise said and pressed a clump of buttons, I could feel everyone's nerves on this matter.

"See you in a minute." Natasha said out loud, and I that was the last thing  saw and heard until I was pulled into the void.

See you guys next chapter✌🏽

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now