This isnt the wild west

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Y/n  P.O.V.

I made it to the airport just in time to see the two groups slowly finding each other. I quickly teleported to the highest building to see what was going on.

As of what I could make out, team tony and team Steve are about to go against each other. Both teams are talking to each other, then suddenly a guys comes up and takes captains shield with a web??

Anyway l, that seem to have startled them a little bit. I noticed they slowly started to approach each other. That's when I decided to step in.

I jumped off the building, using my magic to lessen the fall and made my way to the middle. Both parties still haven't noticed me so I used that as an advantage, i but up a wall none of them can see between them. And waited to see what was going to happen.

It's cruel, I know. But it's funny.

Captain and stark where going in hot towards each other and as soon as they where about to reach, they collide with the wall bring them back down. That made every stop running and had a look of confusion.

I couldn't hold it anymore, with the collision and the confused stares I busted out laughing. I was able to earn the attention from them, I waved my hand making the wall more visible. I calmed my self down as they realized what had happened.

"Now that I got your attention, mind catching me up on what the actual fuck you guys are doing?" I casually asked,  I heard a groan coming from stark as he got up. Once he knew what happened and who did it, he was obviously not pleased.

"Why the fuck would we tell you? Who sent you hear? How did you know whe-" he started coming up to me aggressively, I rolled my eyes at his behavior. As he was walking, more like stomping, I put an small whisp of my magic in a shape of a sting and watch him trip.

Before he could fall I lifted up my hand, catching him, flipped him upside and just tossed him to his little group.

"I was sent by fury, he told me to stop two idiots from doing something stupid. Which I'm guessing is you two" I said, pointing to Steve and tony.

"I thought you didn't like taking orders, I guess you still a master pet at heart" he grinned thinking he actually did something, but honestly I just want tin man to shut the fuck up.

( no hate on tony, I promise they will have an amazing bonding moment😭😭)

"And be I thought you guys where the avengers, not a book club vs chess club wanna be Wild West. Guess we both are disappointed" I mocked at both teams at this point.

"We need to catch a plane devil" I heard Wanda say to me, I gave her a question look. Before I could answer her the walking vibrator beat me to it.

"Actually Wanda if you where to pay attention, doing this isn't a good idea. Your already criminals to the word?" He said putting her down, I baked up my fist, I noticed nat doing the same thing.

"And you think you aren't the villain as well? Do you honestly believe that hiding behind the government is actually making you guys the hero's? Are you that pathetic, especially you vision are you a walking AI at this point. People fear you get over it." I said, giving Steve a nod so he can chase the airplane.

I turn my back walking away, trying to calm down from what was going on. Before I could process anything, I heard Natasha yell at me I turn to see a beam of light come towards me.

When the beam hit me I flew back into a trailer, before I could get Mack up I'm being pinned down by a very angry robot. I tried my best to dodge the punches, but eventually he picked up the pattern and landed a few hard hits.

I was able to push him away with my force, launching him near his groups. I regained myself and saw the to parties fighting off each other.

'You have got to be kidding me'

Before I could take a step forward to the battle my phone began to vibrate. I took it out to see a message from Pepper. As I read the message I could help but fall to my knees, I felt my face became pail with worry and fear. Then balling up my fist breaking my phone, I could help the tears to form in the corner of my eyes. Letting the emotions come through. The message repeating over my head I've and over.

'They took her"

Do you guys think y/n will find her in time?

Will she and Toby put aside their differences for her?

Hope you guys have an amazing day.
I know this was short but I wanted to give you guys a little heads up of whats going to happen the next two chapters. If you are sensitive please try not to read the next two chapters. It will talk about abuse and potential rape, and non consensual topics. Not all of the chapter will contain it but when it does I will put ⚠️ to warn you.

The redhead's devil (Wanda X Natasha X Y/N G!P)Where stories live. Discover now