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"So, do you like the bracelet, Stevie?" I ask him while we're sitting on my bed.

"Yeah. I do. Thank you, Y/N. You didn't have to." He says with a soft smile. I smile back at him and lean in and press a kiss to cheek, then lick his face. I laugh devilishly and run out of my room. "Oh that's gross! Get back here, twerp!" Steve says playfully. I continue to laugh as I run down the stairs.

"Hey, Y/N?" Bucky says happily, then he trails off as he sees me and Steve running around the house. "What happened?"

"I licked his face. Now he's chasing me." I say as I run throughout the house.

Eventually I get tired of running, and Steve tackles me on the couch and starts to tickle my sides. I laugh and laugh as he continues to tickle me.

"O-okay! I ca-can't breathe!" I say through my laughter. I try to shove Steve off of me, but he's too strong. "S-Stevie! P-please!" Steve stops tickling me, then he licks my face. "Blech!"

"Yeah. Now you know how it feels." Steve gets off the couch and holds out a hand for me. I pout and huff a little before I grab his hand. "No pouting, Y/N/N." I stick my tongue out at him and then boop his nose before I head out of the living room.

"Steve is mean to me, Bucky." I say in a whiny voice. I wrap my arms around Bucky's waist and stick my face into his large chest. "He tickled me." I mumble into his chest.

"It's okay, bub. You're fine now, aren't you?" Bucky asks, his baritone voice vibrating against my face. I nod my head and look up to meet his blue eyes.

"You have pretty eyes." I say with a smile.

"Thank you. So do you. Now go get washed up." Bucky says. "Did Wanda tell you she left?"

"Yeah." I say sadly. "It's gonna a little quiet with her gone."

"Quiet? Is it ever quiet?" Sam says.

"Pfft. Nope." I say with a laugh.
After I get washed up, the door opens and Nat walks in. "Auntie Nat!" I squeal as I run up her. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.

"Hey, short stack. How you doing, bub?" Nat asks. She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back.

"Better now that you're here. Wands just left." I say with a smile. Nat opens her mouth to say something, but stops when my phone starts ringing. I leg of her and grab my phone from my back pocket and look at the caller ID. My eyes widen a little bit as I see that Peter is calling me. "Shit. It's Peter." I mutter to myself. "Excuse me." I head out the door and push the answer key on my phone screen.

"Hey, Twin!" I say with a smile.
"Hey, Twin! I miss your face. I miss you so much." Peter says as soon as I answer the phone.
"I miss your goofy face, too. I wish I could visit."
"But we both know you can't."
"Yeah. So uh, what's new with you? Did you talk to that Liz chick you've been telling me about?"
Peter scoffs with a soft giggle. "No. You know me. Not much has happened. What's new with you?"
"Uh well, when that red man with the cape hit me with his stone beam. If uh, gave me powers."
"Really!" Peter squeals. "What kind of powers?"
"Uh, telepathy and telekinesis. Wanda helped me master it before she left."
"That's amazing, Y/N! God! It is so good to hear your voice!"
"It's good to hear your voice, too." I say in a broken voice.
"Don't start that shit. If you start crying, I'm gonna cry. What's wrong, baby brother?"
"I just wish I could see you is all. I miss your goofy smile."
"And I miss your goofy laugh. We will figure something out, I promise. We always do."
"You're right. Well, I hate to cut this short but, dinner is ready. I will text you, okay?"
"Okay. I love you, baby bro."
"I love you too, big bro."
"See ya later."
"See ya later." I end the call and pocket my phone. Then I wipe my eyes clean of my tears and head back inside the house.

I close the front door and lock it, afterwards I head into the kitchen and wash my hands. Once my hands are washed and dried off, I throw away the paper towel and help set the table. Everyone is silent while we set the table and dish up for dinner.

Steve and Nat sit at both heads of the dining table, Sam and Bucky sit next to Steve, and I sit in between Bucky and Nat. Sam and Steve are having a conversation with Bucky about something. I'm staying silent until Nat playfully kicks my shin.

"What's wrong, sweetheart? Something's on your mind. And I don't need to be a telepath to know." Nat says in a hushed voice.

"I just miss my brother is all. I never got to say goodbye to my Aunt May, and I wish I was able to." I say in a sad tone. Nat rests her hand on my forearm and rubs circles with her thumb in my arm.

"We could visit?" She suggests.

I shake my head and sigh. "Too risky. I'm dead. Remember?"

"You do realize that I'm the highest ranking SHIELD agent? Right?"

"Yeah, yeah." Nat and I exchange an expression before finishing up dinner.

After all of us have eaten dinner, and the dishes are cleaned and put away, we gather around the outside fire pit and talk about random shit. Steve and Bucky are talking about their friendship from the beginning, from when they were kids. Sam was talking about him and his sister, same with Nat. And I was talking about Peter and I.

For a while, it was just us. In the back yard of our house, next to the forest. While I'm listening to Steve talk about his old love, Margaret "Peggy" Carter, I get the chills. I shiver a little and pull the blanket I hav wrapped around me a little tighter. Bucky sees me shivering and wraps his metal arm around me and pulls me close to him.

"Better, bub?" Bucky asks. I nod into his chest and curl up next to him. Bucky chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead. I close my eyes a little and slowly drift off to sleep.


While we're outside by the fire, Y/N fell asleep in my lap. I run my fingers through his red and green colored hair and smile.

"He asleep?" Nat asks.

"Yeah. He fell asleep a few minutes ago." I say quietly.

"He's a sweet kid. I feel bad for him." Nat says.

"Yeah. I think we all do. But, that's why need to protect him." Steve says.

"Care to elaborate?" Sam says.

"I think what Steve is trying to say is: he's had a rough past few weeks." Nate says. "He came to Berlin and fought against the opposite of his brother, and then had to say goodbye to him. He faked his death and didn't even get to say to goodbye to his aunt. He joined us going in completely blind. We're all he has now. We need to protect him, whatever it takes. Through thick and thin."

"Whatever it takes." Steve says.

"Through thick and thin." I say.

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