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The past few months have been, something different. All the Avengers, excluding Peter and myself, have been on a mission for the past couple of weeks. And I haven't heard anything from Bucky, or from anybody at that matter. I've been worried sick, and I can't sleep at night. And when I do sleep, it's all nightmares, the worst nightmares I could possibly have. Except that one where I was stuck in a HYDRA base. This nightmare is different: I lose everyone I could ever love, I end up all alone, no one remembers me for who I used to be, just the evil that has taken over me.
Nightmares set aside, I've literally hacked into Stark's suit so many times for coordinates or for something, but thanks to FRIDAY, she's put up firewall after firewall. Fortunately for me, I made Stark his little all powering shield. After only a few short moments of hacking, I was finally able to get the coordinates of where the Avengers are: Pakistan.

"Looks like Pete and I need to update our passports." I mumble under my breath. I pull a new screen on the computer, and start hacking into the DMV to get mine and Peter's passports full updated. While I'm typing, I starting mumbling nonsense under my breath, just thinking about how Petey and I are gonna giant this.

"You're mumbling again, Twin." Peter says from the doorway of my bedroom.

"Uh-huh." I respond, mumbling around my thinking/focusing face. When I'm really focused on something, or when I'm determined to get something done, I absentmindedly stick out the tip of my tongue.

"Y/N, you're making that face." Peter says, elongating my name. Peter walks over to my desk and sits on the table next to me. "What are you do focused on, my not so sweet and innocent brother?"

"We're going to Pakistan. Get your suit, bub."

"Pakistan?! Why?" Peter says, clearly shocked. "Don't tell me." I meet his eyes, nonverbally telling him what's happening. He sighs and groans frustrated. "God, Y/N! We can't. Mr. Stark said we have to stay here."

"I don't give a fuck what Mr. Stark says." I say in a mocking tone. "I haven't heard anything from Bucky. I'm worried that he's either hurt, dead, or worse; HYDRA got to him again." I meet Peter's brown eyes, pleading for his help. "Please, Peter. I never ask for your help for anything. Please, I'm scared that he's really hurt."

"I never said yes." Peter says. "But, I didn't say no. Go get your suit." Peter pushes himself off my desk, and pats my shoulder before walking out of my bedroom. I smile softly and rush to my closet to get into my suit.

My suit is similar to Nat's: it's all black, with some gold and copper assents to it. It's an all kevlar leather suit, fitting my body perfectly. I grab my little masquerade mask that covers part of my face, just to keep my identity secret, I put it on my face and walk out of the bedroom and make my way to the jet.

"Petey? You ready?" I say, making my presence known so I don't scare him. He turns over his shoulder and nods, then he fully turns around and sees my suit.

"Huh. Nice suit." Peter compliments my suit.

"Not bad yourself, Twin." I compliment his hit. "C'mon. We gotta go. This should be one of the fastest jets they've got here."

"You know how to fly this thing?" Peter asks calmly.

"I do." I say confidently. "You ready?"

"A secret mission? With my brother? Oh fuck yes! Let's do this shit!" Peter says excitedly. I laugh and wrap my wrap my arm around his waist, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "It's just you and me."

"It's just you and me."



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