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Several hours later, we finally arrived to Leavenworth. It's a cute little German themed town, and I am so down with the vibes. Steve pulls into a parking spot and turns off the engine. We all start to file out, with me sprinting to find the nearest bathroom.

"Hey! Careful!" All of them yell as I run into town.

"Sorry! I really gotta pee!" I call back to them. I slow down my pace to a speed walk and shimmy my way through the busy streets of people. I finally find a bathroom, and walk in to take care of my full bladder.

After I relieved myself and washed up, I exit the bathroom and go to find the team. While I'm walking the streets of Leavenworth, I stop by this coffee shop and decide to get something to drink. I walk in and smell freshly baked cookies. I look at the display case to see cookies the size of my head, almost literally.

"Hi, welcome in! What can we get for you?" The worker behind the counter asks.

"Uh, this is gonna sound stupid but, can I get one of each cookie? Please?" I ask him. "I uh, traveled here with some friends and one of them has a huge sweet tooth." I say with with a nervous laugh.

"No problem, sir." He says with a smile. He starts bagging up every single cookie they have. It varies from red velvet, to snickerdoodle, to chocolate chip, gingerbread, you name it and they got it! He tells me my total, and I pay him. He hands me the bag and tells me to have a good day, I wave at him and then head out of the shop.

"Oh my god! There you are!" Nat says, she wraps her arms around me and checks to make sure I'm okay.

"I got snacks for us. Well, just cookies. But, they're freshly baked and smell really good. I got one of each." I hold up the bag for her to look in it. Her eyes widen at the amount of cookies in the bag.

"Uh, yeah you did. God, you're such a little twerp." Nat boops my nose and waves me along to walk with her. I bounce on the balls of my heels before I walk beside her.

"So, where are the boys, Auntie Nat?"

"They're at a pub right now. So, you and I are gonna do some shopping together. Maybe get you a few hoodies of your own?" Nat smirks and nudges me with her elbow playfully. I smile and blush slightly. "Oh, by the way." She hands me and ID card with my picture on it, but a different name: Demyan Romanoff. "That's your name when we're not at home, okay?"

"Okay." I say with a soft smile. "Thank you, Nat." She wraps her arm around my shoulders and drags me into a store.


It's been a few hours since Nat and I started shopping, we're walking down the street back to the car when Nat's cell phone starts to ring. She hands me the keys to the car and asks me to put her bags in the trunk. I nod once and then head towards the car.
I pop open the trunk and set our bags in there. I close the trunk and lock the car, and walk my way back to Nat.

"Hey. Who was that?" I ask politely.

"Steve and Bucky got Sam drunk off his ass. They're on their way back to the car." Nat says, slightly annoyed. I sigh and then look up the road to see Sam's arms frappe diver Steve and Bucky's shoulders as they try to get him to walk in a straight line.

"Oh no." I say, starting to laugh at the sight of Sam being drunk. I've never seen a grown ass man act like this before, even sober. He's laughing and giggling like a child, and it's the best sight to see. "Looks like we're driving now, Nat." I unlock the car and climb into the passenger side of the car.

The doors to the back seat of the car opens, and Sam laughs as Steve and Bucky shove him in there.

"Aye, what's up bitches?" Sam slurs with laughter in his voice. I turn around in my seat and see him laughing his heart out. Steve sits in the center and Bucky sits behind Nat.

"This will be a fun drive him, now won't it?" I say to the boys, sounding sarcastically amused.

"Shh. Don't talk about, bub." Bucky says annoyed. I arch an eyebrow and lean back in my seat.

I create a telekinetic connection with Bucky, and tell him to check his phone. I sent him a text that asked if he was okay.

New Text Message:

Bucky <3:

Yeah. He's just a drunk, punk.

I laugh after reading his text, and send him a thumbs up emoji back.

"So, besides babysitting drunker over here. How was the day?" I turn in my seat and ask Bucky and Steve.

"It was good. Really fun. Until this one got drunk." Steve says. "Did you two have fun?"

"Yeah, I got some cookies for us." I say. Then I realize they're in the trunk. "Nat? Will you pull over for a sec so I can get them?" Nat chuckles and then pulls the car to the side of the curb and pops open the truck. I quickly hop out of the car and grab the bag of cookies out of the car, as well as a couple of blankets. Then I close the trunk and hop back in the car, I slam the door shut and buckle back up. "Okay. So, there was this coffee shop there, and they bake these from scratch, and fresh. I got one of each so, your choices are endless. Except for the snickerdoodle. That's mine." I grab out the snickerdoodle cookie and set it in my lap.

"Jesus! Those things are huge!" Steve says. I snicker a little bit hold back my bad joke.

"That's what she said." Bucky mumbles. Nat and I immediately start laughing.

"Okay, Nat called the red velvet one." I pull out the red velvet cookie and hand Steve the bag. "I know you have a sweet tooth, so I figured that this should help with that. But, you have to share."

"Got it. Thanks, buddy." Steve says with a smile.

The drive is silent for a few hours. It's my turn to drive, and Nat's turn to nap. Well, apparently almost everybody's turn to nap. Besides me, obviously, and Bucky. So Bucky and I are in the front seat and everyone else is napping in the back. We're cruising down the freeway right now, going just a little over the limit, while Bucky and I are having a quiet conversation with each other.

"Today was fun. Thank you for taking me out of the house, Y/N. It was good to not be cooped up for once." Bucky says with a smile.

"Of course. I didn't wanna have to stay inside all day and do the same thing over and over again."

"Maybe we could do something? Just the two of us?" Bucky suggests.

"Yeah. We could do something like that. Sounds fun." I say, trailing off.

"Got something on your mind, bub?"

"Just uh, just missing home is all. I think I'm just home sick. But, it's okay. I'll get over it." I say, trying brush it off.

"How about we visit? I know how to fly a plane and chopper so, we could visit if you want?" Bucky says in a whisper.

"If you're being serious, I will kiss you on the mouth." I say bluntly.

"Maybe not on the mouth." Bucky says. "So, how about it?"

"Yes, please."

Winter Wonderland (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now