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It's 11:30 PM on Christmas Eve, and my brother and I are out on the roof, stargazing. It's something we used to do when we were afraid of something, just look up at the stars and talk to our parents for some advice. May has been working a lot to find an apartment for us to stay in; she needs to relax and enjoy the holidays. I'm beginning to get worried about her.

"Do you think they know?" Peter asks after a while of silence.

"Know what?" I ask, I sure of what he means.

"About us? You know? Me being Spider-Man and you being, w-wait what was your name again?"

"Yes they do. Uh, Sam and Bucky called be Free Fall. But, I dunno. It suits me I suppose." I say with a shrug.

"What about Mr. Rogers?"

"He still calls me bub." I say, an elongated sigh escapes from my lips. "Peter? Can we promise each other something?" I turn over on my side, and Peter does the same thing. We lock eyes and smile at each other. Peter nods assuring. "You have to pinky promise and do the Twin thing."

"Oh my goodness." Peter says giggling. He holds out his pinky finger, I lock mine with his.

"I swear to never break this promise. If I do, my twin will kick my ass into the next century and his ghost will haunt me for the rest of his." Peter I say simultaneously.

"Okay. What am I promising you?" Peter asks.

"Promise me, no matter what happens. We'll always find each other. If we need each other for whatever reason. We will be there. Because, I can't live my life without my brother."

"Of course. I think we made that deal when our parents took a picture of us cuddling each other when we were like eight minutes old or something?"

"How can you remember that?"

"I have a stronger memory than you." Peter says nonchalantly.

"Well, you were always good with remembering things. That's why I always asked you about homework." Peter smiles goofily at me and I ruffle up his hair. "Whatever shampoo and conditioner you use for hair, please lemme know. Your hair is so soft." I say, starting to play with his curls. "I'm jealous that you have curly hair."

"Well, good. Because you ain't getting it." Peter says, teasing me. I ruffle up his hair more and smack the top of his head playfully. "You're a geek."

"You're a nerd case." I feel a tear run down my face, my thoughts running a million miles an hour, thinking about all that could happen.

"No crying." Peter says in a whisper. He uses his knuckle to wipe my tears away. "I don't need the actual ability to read minds to read your mind. It's just you and me, Twin."

"It's just you and me, Twin." I say with my signature goofy laugh.

"Oh god, I love slash hate that laugh." Peter says, giggling.

"Nerd case."


"We should probably get back inside. Before the team thinks we're killing each other." I stand up and offer Peter my hand. He smiles and grabs my hand. I steady my balance and pull him up to his feet. "Get some rest. And merry Christmas, big brother."

"Merry Christmas, baby brother."


I woke up to feel a heavy weight on my chest and stomach, and a loud purring sound. I slowly open my eyes so see an all white cat sniffing my face. I furrow my brows and look at the cat.

Winter Wonderland (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now