26: The Other 50%

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Summer of 2018

Y/N's P.O.V.

The school year went super fast. Thankfully. I didn't think I'd have to go back to school, but fucking Tony Stark made me. He said I couldn't be cooped up in the house all the time? Even though his son is. I brought that up to his attention, and he shut that shit down saying that Daniel was working on a new AI with him or some shit. Annoying, right?
Anyways. There was this new transfer kid from Australia that started back in March. His name is, unique so to say. Blaide Smythin. The 'H' in Smythin in silent, he kept telling me. I call him Smitty, he also told me that that was his nickname growing up. We became real good friends super quick. One down side, and up side, he's over a foot taller than me. I'm 5' 4" and he's 6' 5".

Jacob Elordi as Blaide "Smitty" Smythin

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Jacob Elordi as Blaide "Smitty" Smythin

He's come apart of my friend group with Ned and Peter.
And then there's Daniel. Oh, Daniel. He and Peter started going out a couple months ago, and uh, it took me by surprise that my brother is into guys as well. He chose to date Daniel fucking Stark? Out of all people? Not my decision making, but I support my brother no matter what. I just don't trust the Stark's at all, Tony is the true reason why I got into this line of work. I love it, but it also got me into some bad things.

All that set aside; Bucky and I have gotten closer. Peter and Daniel have gotten closer. We've all gotten closer with each other. Well, some of us. Tony and Steve got into a big fight and now tony hates Steve. He kicked him out of the compound, Bucky, Nat, and I followed suit with Steve, and stood by his side and his beliefs. The Avengers were formed together to save the world, not for the government to tell us what to do. We all moved out of the country and temporarily relocated to Wakanda.
We were all just relaxing and vibing with each other, until Bruce came with Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, and am injured Vision. He told us about this Thanos alien wanting to take the stone in Vision's head. Something about keeping the balance between galaxies. Bruce told us to get ready for the fight of our lives, and that's what we're doing. The Wakandans, Steve, Nat, Smitty, and me. That's what we're all doing. Peter stayed with Tony, I just hope he's okay.



I pick up my phone and see that it's Peter calling.

"Hey, Twin. What's up?"
"Y/N! We need you out here! We're getting hammered!" Peter says in a panicked voice over the phone.
"What's going on?" I ask with concern in my voice. I meet Smitty's eyes as he walks in my room in full gear.
"He's here! Where are you?!"
"In Wakanda. Getting ready for the fight."
"Oh god! Uh, Mr. Stark? Danny? I'm being beamed up!" I furrow my brows.
"Pete? What's going on?"
"Get here as fast as you ca—" "The number that you've tried to reach, is no longer in service. Please try your call again." The automated voice says.

"Oh god. Did you hear that?" I say to Smitty. His eyes widen and he nods. "We need to be ready, for whatever is to come." I quickly undress myself out of my normal attire, and put on my new suit. A suit made completely out of vibranium, that covers my entire body, except my left arm, leaving it out and in the open. I let my shoulder length hair down, and run my fingers through it.

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