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Y/N's P.O.V.

It's been four months since Bucky has proposed to be, and I am eternally grateful to be spending the rest of my life with him.
But that's the thing, I'll be spending the rest of his life with him. While I was looking through the archives in the lab, I found my test results from a couple years back. From when Bruce and Tony did all those tests on me. Inconclusive immortality, no counter measures, nothing to reverse it. I'm stuck like this forever. Which means, I have to watch everyone I love, die. I sigh disappointedly and keep searching through the archives in the lab, trying to find anyone that would be willing to help.

"Twin? You in here?" I hear Peter's voice echo through the entry way of the lab.

"Around the corner, bubba." I respond, making my presence known to him. He comes around the corner and hugs me from behind. "Okay, love bug. You're not Bucky and I'm not Danny, you can't do that." I say with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Oh, pfft. We used to do this all the time, Y/N. Come on." Peter says. I roll my eyes as I flip through Natasha's file. "Whatcha looking for?"

"Trying to find someone to help us get our family back." I say, slowing down my speech as I find a paper with Natasha's family tree. She has a sister. "Yelena Belova. Huh? She has a sister?"

"Auntie Nat has a sister?"

"'Auntie Nat'? Okay, Petey." I hand a piece of paper with Kate Bishop's information on it. "Kate Bishop. She's the daughter of the CEO of one of the world's most highest security agencies. Not as highly secured as Stark's, given I was able to hack into their systems with ease. She is as gifted in archery as Clint Barton."

"Okay. What about that Yelena girl?" Peter asks as he looks over my shoulder.

"Natasha's younger sister. Natasha is the Black Widow and Yelena is the White Widow. Both of them have as much knowledge as a SHIELD agent, and even more. Her skills are equivalent to Nat's. They work together, they seem to be a good pair. Kate is just a couple years younger than us, both would be great additions to the team."

"So, we'll have an archer, a widow, a SHIELD agent, a swordsmen, a psychic, whatever Wanda is, and essentially, three super soldiers?" Peter says, listing everyone off and their abilities.

"Well, Sam isn't really a SHIELD agent. He's more of a military runt." I correct him. "But yeah. And uh, you just have super human strength and endurance. Plus your Peter tingle."

"Ugh, not you too!" Peter whines, scrunching up his nose and face.

"Well, other than Wanda. I am the most powerful person in the team. I actually pulled up some more archives about my gifts and abilities."


"Take a look." I hand Peter a folder, stuffed with information about myself and my abilities.

"Wow. Holy shit." Peter's eyes widen at the amount of abilities I have. "The claws, which are still cool. Lightning, pretty rad. Your Y/N tingle. Telekinesis, telepathy, water and blood manipulation. I don't like that. Uh, wow. You are powerful."

"I've practiced everything, and I know everything to a point." I say, holding up one finger. "But, the blood manipulation. Not my forte."

"Not mine either, bubba." Peter mumbles.

"'Bubba'? Oh my god you two!" Danny says as he walks into the lab. "Hey, babe." He says to Peter.

"Hey, darling." Peter responds to him.

"Hi, Y/N. Looks like you've made yourself cozy while I was gone." Danny says, looking over the mess I've made.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll clean it soon." I mumble. "Uh, D? I could use your help. Petey, run away."

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