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Steve and Stark have just made Peter and I official Avengers, Peter blushing and smiling widely. I'm squeezing Steve's waist tightly, making an over exaggerated happy noise while swaying with him from side to side in a circular motion. Steve chuckles the entire time we're hugging, he presses a soft kiss to my forehead before tapping my shoulders, indicating that the hug should end. I shake my head an hug him tightly for a second longer, then letting go of him. I look up to meet his ocean blue eyes, then walk over to Aunt May and give her a hug.

"Happy, promise you'll take care of her for us?" I say, gesturing to May.

"Of course, kid. You two be safe out there." Happy tells Peter and I.

"We will. Love you, May." Peter and I say. We give our aunt one more hug before we head out of the building.

Once we get on the jet, Peter and I take our seats in between Nat and Bucky. Peter next to Nat and myself, and I'm next to Bucky and Peter. I playfully shove Bucky a little, he meets my eyes and furrows his brows in confusion.

"This is gonna be fun." I say with a wide smile. "My first mission! And with you and Petey."

"Well, you and Webs need to be careful. Extremely careful. Please." Bucky says sternly. "HYDRA could get either one of you, if not both."

"Don't worry. No one's gonna get us." I say with a smile. Bucky smiles back and then leans over to press his lips to mine.


It all happened so fast.



Chaos. So much chaos.

I'm fighting off as many HYDRA and STRIKE soldiers as I can. Trying to shield everyone from getting hurt. We were unable to find Lyla, at first. Until I feel someone in my head. I throw a force field inside everyone's minds, shielding them. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to shield my own. She's in my head. I fight for as long as I can.

"You can't fight me and shield them." Lyla says in a dark, menacing voice. I breathe heavily and wipe the blood from my lower lip with the roof of my hand. I face off against her, and open my hand, summoning lightning to my finger tips and palm. "Kinky." She says with a smirk.

"Get! Out! Of! My head!" I grimace in a deep voice. I extend my arm out towards me, blasting her in the chest with lightning. She yelps in pain, and blacks out. I sigh in relief and run towards her unconscious body. I scoop her up bridal style and run over to Bucky and Peter. "Take her and the other survivors to the jet. Get them somewhere safe." I say in one breath. I hear an explosion from behind me, and see Steve really close to it. I drop Lyla in Bucky's arms and run over to Steve. I stop in front off Gina N's create a large force field in front of him and I, and Peter, Bucky, and Lyla.

After the explosion clears up, I shove Steve over to the others. "Go! Get out of here! Now!"

"No! Not without you!" Bucky says.

"Just get out of here! I'll be right behind you!" I shout back. I push Steve over the rest of the team, and another explosion goes off. I gasp in horror as I extend my left arm out, creating another force field to protect them. I raise my right arm, slowly extending a force field in front of me. The explosion hits me first, blasting me backwards.

It's like it happened in slow motion. A large sheet of metal cuts my left arm clean off at my shoulder. I shout in pain and agony. I use my right arm and project a large force field at the jet, where everyone is boarding. I hit a large rock and my head snaps back, hitting the rock hard. I groan softly, and the last thing I see is several soldiers standing around me, and I hear Bucky shouting my name.

Winter Wonderland (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now