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I rest my hands on my knees, putting some weight on them. I lean over and breath heavily. It's a morning routine for me. I wake up at 4:45 AM, get dressed in athletic wear, and run five miles. Today is different. I've been trying to get ahold of Bucky and Y/N, I haven't seen them in a couple of days. All they left was a note saying that they're okay and with each other. I've been running closer to twenty miles every morning, just to get my mind off the thought that they could be dead. It was the first place my mind brought me to; Bucky is my best friend, and I've already lost him once, technically a second, I can't lose him again.
As for Y/N. He's just a kid. It was my decision to put my responsibility into him, and if he dies, or he is dead; I feel like that's on me. Jesus, I sound like Stark. Y/N may be a handful, but he keeps us sane and happy. He always knows how to put a smile on everyone's faces, he always knows what to say to make a situation better before it could get worse. Y/N always puts other people before him, and I would sometimes tell him that he needs to learn to be a little selfish sometimes. He needs to take care of himself as well, he needs to make himself happy. It make me happy to see him happy.

I shake my head slowly, clearing my thoughts. I push my hands off my knees and start running the rest of the way back to the safe house. It's an eight mile stretch of nothing but trees, that's how we've been able to stay so hidden. Ever since the whole accords situation, Sam, Bucky, Y/N, and I all decided to go into hiding. We didn't want to stay in New York, for reasons, so we decided Washington state was a good alternative. It's on the opposite side of the country, it's nice and quiet here, and we have each other. Nat or Wanda will sometimes come over and visit, mainly because Y/N bugs them to but, to check in on the rest of us as well.

I jogged about seven more miles, I see the house from afar. I pick up my pace to a run when I hear the engine of a helicopter from above. "Shit." I mutter to myself.

"Stevie. Calm down. It's me and Bucky." I hear an all too familiar voice in my head. I stop running and look up at the helicopter. It slowly lands gently on the ground, and its engines turn off. I look in the window to see Y/N in the pilots chair. He meets my eyes and widely smiles and waves at me. The door slides open and Bucky hops out. I jog up the small hill and wrap my arms over Bucky's shoulders.

"I told you we would be back." Bucky says after the hug.

"Yeah? You did. I'm just glad you're here. Missed you, jerk." I ruffle up Bucky's short hair pat his shoulder with my hand a couple times before I scoop Y/N up in a tight hug. "Oh thank god you're okay, twerp!"

"A-air!" Y/N says, smacking my arms lightly. I loosen my grip on him and set him back down on the ground. A few seconds later, I feel tears welling in my eyes. I sniffle as quietly as I can. "Stevie? Are you crying?"

"Sorry. It's just so good to see you two are alright. Let's get inside, Y/N/N."

"Okay, see you in there." Y/N grabs his things and heads to the house. I grab Bucky's arm and stop him from walking any further.

"What's up?" Bucky asks. "You're not mad are you?"

"On the contrary. I'm really happy guys are safe. I was worried."

"Stevie. You don't need to worry every time, it's not good." Bucky says meaningfully. "I appreciate it, we all do but, don't worry yourself out. Please?"

"I know I know. Just, it's Y/N. I dunno what'd I do if anything bad were to happen to him."

"Steve. You're such a softie." Bucky laughs while bring me into a hug. "The feeling's mutual." I quirk an eyebrow, confused. "About uh, losing Y/N. I wouldn't know what to do either. He's so high spirited and kind and, well, I think he's the light of our world that we've been missing. Is that weird to say?"

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