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It's been a couple of days since Y/N worked his little, voodoo shit on Steve, Sam, and I. It's also been a couple of days since he's eaten, which isn't good. He won't come out of his room, and we've all tried to check on him but, we heard a lot of weird noises coming from the other side of his door. Noises like, he's tinkering or trying to build something, those kinds of noises. We're all worried about him, and Steve is scared that he's trying to leave.

"Oh, c'mon man. If he wanted to leave, he would already be gone." Sam says, slightly annoyed. "He's fine."

"I ju—" Steve starts saying, but abruptly stops when rapid footsteps descend from the stairs.

"Alright, nincompoops! I think I figured out a way so that Tony Stark doesn't track Peter here." Y/N says, out of breath. His hair is a mess, he has bags under his eyes, and he looks like he hasn't showered. Steve rushes over to Y/N and goes to give him a hug when Y/N pushes him away. "No touchy, me stinky. I haven't showered in two days." Steve ignores him and hugs him anyway.

"God! You stink, buddy!" Steve says with a disgusted expression. He pulls away from the hug and gags.

"I told you I'm stinky. Did ya listen?" Y/N says with a sassy remark. "Anyways, I found a way to make sure that Stark won't be able to track us or Peter with him being here. Uh, are any of you good with tech?"

"I am, somewhat." Sam says.

"Okay. What about you two?" Y/N asks Steve and I.

"I'm still learning how to use this phone." Steve says. Y/N groans in frustration and looks at me. I put my hands up in defense and shake my head.

"You guys suck!" Y/N says.

"Yeah? But you swallow!" Sam says.

"Can it, Bird Brain!" Y/N snaps. "You guys wanna help or what?" Everyone stays silence. "I'll take the silence as a yes. I'll be in the shower, get started!" Y/N snaps his fingers and as soon as he does that, my mind is flooded with blue prints of what he's figured out. "Start on it, I'll be right out to help."


I just landed in Washington state, a day early. I know I'm only allowed to stay the maximum of five days, but I couldn't wait to see my brother. It was a lovely surprise when I saw him in New York the other day, and I hope I can reciprocate that. Sam sent me their location, and it was about a three hour walk from the airport to where they're all at. Thanks to my excitement and enhanced senses, I start running that way. It's good exercise and sometimes I like to go on runs. It keeps a clear mindset and it's good to you, so I've read.

As I get closer and closer to their location, I can feel my Twin Tingle. It's what Y/N and I call our twinlepathy when we're close. It's what I felt back in New York, I knew he was close then, and I know I'm close to him now. I've always had a better touch to it, Y/N though, he can feel it but, it's very different then how I can. He says it's more of a thought process thing, for me it's more like a tingle. Hence, Twin Tingle. As I'm running closer to the location, I hear an all too familiar high pitched ringing in my ears, like someone is in danger. I hear a scream, not just any scream, Y/N's scream. I quickly look around to check if the coast is clear, then I slap my web shooters on my wrist and start swinging.
I swing from branch to branch as fast as I can to get to Y/N before he falls any closer to the ground. I finally after a few minutes, and successfully catch him.

"Shit! Oh shit, oh shit!" Y/N says in a gasply and scared voice. He wraps his limbs around me and holds onto me tightly as I softly lower us to the ground. "Thank you, Twin." Y/N climbs off of me and the starts to walk away, but stops and turns around. He meets my eyes and smiles widely. "TWIN!!" He squeals as he throws himself on me, bear hugging me. I stumble backwards, trying to rings my footing, but I end up falling on the ground.

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