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I jerk my eyes open and take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. These nightmares are getting out of control. I run my fingers through my messy hair, and gasp quietly when I hear a loud snore from next to me. I look down and see Y/N snoring quietly, sleeping peacefully on my chest.

"Oh, so now he snores quietly." I mumble to myself as I wrap my arm back around him, pulling him even closer to me.

"Mmm." Y/N hums as he nuzzles his head into the crook of my shoulder. He places small kisses on the base of my neck, then he swings a leg over my lap and straddles me. "Good morning." He says with a wide smile, that soon fades away. "Did you have another nightmare?" He asks with concern in his voice.

"Yeah. But it's okay, doll. I woke up with you in my arms." I run my fingers through the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"We can stay in bed if you'd like?" Y/N offers in a sweet tone. I ponder of the possibility of laying naked in bed all day with my fiancé, then an idea pops into my head.

"How about we go for a round two, in the shower. And then we cook breakfast in our kitchen, and just lock yourselves in here and watch movies all day?"

"Yes please! I love shower sex! It's so wet and the best place to have sex, because we can wash each other afterwards." Y/N says, before jumping off my lap and the bed. His butt jiggles in the process, causing my semi hard dick to twitch and harden more. "Come on, Daddy. I'll be waiting." Y/N says, slurring his words in a seductive tone.


Approximately an hour later, Y/N and I step out the bathroom, dressed in comfortable clothing. I'm just wearing a pair of sweatpants, while Y/N is wearing athletic booty shorts and one of my favorite hoodies. My hoodie is so big on him, it goes down to his knees. He walks with a slight limp as he makes his way to the kitchen.

"B-babe? Don't you want help? You're limping pretty bad." I say with concern in my tone.

"Huh?" Y/N says with an innocent face. "I'm fine, hun. Just a little sore."

"Did I got too rough on you? D-did I hurt you?" I ask. I walk up him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You didn't go too rough. If anything, I asked you to go harder." He cups the sides of my neck and pulls me down. "You could never hurt me, James Buchanan Barnes. Never." He whispers in a soft voice, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine.

"I promise to always protect you, Y/N Y/M/N Parker."

"We protect each other." He says, almost in a stern toned "it's not a one way street with that. We will always protect each other. No matter what."

"Whatever it takes." I say with a smile. Y/N nods slowly, then he licks his lips and bite on his bottom lip, while looking at my lips. He stands on his toes and wraps his arms around my neck, running his fingers through my hair. "Kiss me, baby boy." I say seductively. Y/N doesn't hesitate to press his lips to mine. The kiss isn't rough or forced, but soft and loving.

"I can't stop kissing you. Your lips are just so kissable, Buck." Y/N says in between kisses. I gently grab his cheeks and pull him closer to me, deepening our kiss.

"Lucky for you, bub. I can't stop kissing you either." I say again his lips. "What should we cook for breakfast?" I ask, drawing small circles on his cheeks with my thumbs.

Y/N holds my hands, that are still in his face, and drops to his normal height. "Um, how about chocolate chip pancakes? They are your favorite." He suggest.

"As long as there's more chocolate than pancake?" I ask with a pouty lip.

"You super soldiers always have the biggest sweet tooth." Y/N says with a small, goofy laugh.

"Yeah, we do. I remember back in the thirties..." I laugh, thinking about the memory. "Before Stevie got the serum, he was just a few inches taller than you. But, we'd always get milkshakes in Sunday's. He would get a chocolate shake, extra extra sweet. That little punk would go bouncing off the walls right afterwards."

"Sounds like you two were really close." Y/N says softly. His sad, happy face looking distant. "Question. Were you two ever uh, were you ever a uh..."

"A thing?" I ask, finishing his sentence and sparing him the embarrassment. He bites his lower lip and nods slowly. "I mean, we had a fling. Like, we experimented with each other. But, we both decided that we shouldn't do anything like that. For the sake of our friendship."

"Gotcha." Y/N says quietly.

"But, you have nothing to worry about. With the short time I had back with him, all we did was just talk about the old days. Nothing about us ever hooking up or making out."

"You two had sex?" Y/N asks slowly.

"Uh, well, yes and no."

"Oh, oh. I uh, okay. S-sorry. I should've never asked." Y/N slowly walks back into the kitchen, sniffling.

"Babe." I say worriedly. I follow him into the kitchen and step in front of him. "Baby. You have nothing to worry about. Steve is just my best friend. You're my boyfriend, my fiancé, my husband, the love of my life. I just wish I met you sooner. But, that would be merely impossible."

"I know. I know. I'm not crying because of that." Y/N says, wiping a few stray tears. "I'm just sad."

"About what?"

"Because, I have Peter here. And Smitty. You just have me. And I don't feel like that's enough for you." I wrap my arms around his shoulders, and pull him into my chest when he starts to cry harder.

"Doll, you are enough for me." I say softly. "I miss him, baby, I really do." I rub his back, trying to soothe him.

"Tell me more about you two." Y/N says.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, stuttering my words.

"Your friendship. I wanna hear about it. I'll tell you some deep dark secrets about me and Peter." He says with a goofy smile. "Well, maybe just me. I can't really tell Peter's dark secrets. But I'll tell you mine."

"That's intriguing, actually. I actually don't know a lot of your secrets." I say, taking a seat on one of stools in our kitchen. Y/N starts pulling out ingredients from the cabinets to make breakfast. "Do you want me to help you? Wait, lemme rephrase that. Can I help you, make breakfast?"

"Of course. Get your sexy ass over here." Y/N says with a goofy smile.


After breakfast, Y/N and I get all cuddly and cozy together while we find something to watch. Our legs are intertwined, my metal arm around his shoulders, and his metal arm around my torso.

"What about Lord of the Rings?" Y/N asks, looking up to me.

"I read The Hobbit back in '37 when it first came out. Let's see what they got." I type in the name of the movies, and all of them pop up on the screen. "Wanna watch all of them?" I ask my fiancé.

"That'll take almost a full day!" He exclaims. "Yes!"

I lean down a press a soft kiss to his lips, then press play on the first Hobbit movie. A full day of just watching movies with the love of my life, is exactly what I need.

Winter Wonderland (Bucky Barnes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now