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Y/N's P.O.V.

All throughout my life, I have made countless, selfless decisions to keep the people close to me safe and alive. And as soon as I make a selfish choice to make it to where I can live with my family and die with them as well, this isn't what I meant. I didn't want to die by getting stabbed in the back.
The heat I felt when Corvius's blade penetrated through my back, forged with my vibranium and antimantium skeleton; making the metal that courses through my body stronger. Instead of Corvius killing me, he saved me, made me stronger.

I wake up, fully healed and empowered with new strength and powers. I stand ready with a sword in hand. I run through the battle field, slashing the sword and killing all the space dogs and side members of the Black Order. I come to a stop and swing my sword, decapitating Maw. I look out in front of me and see the Avengers.
I take a few steps forward and smile at them while I catch my breath slightly. Their mouths agape, tears threatening to break from their eyes, some are smiling widely. I look over from a far to see Thanos charging right at me. I stick my metal arm out, a metallic bow and one single arrow forge from my arm. I pull the string back and let the arrow fly right into Thanos's shoulder. He growls in pain and falls to his knees.

"Antimantium." I speak, causing Thanos to meet my eyes. I walk towards him, slowly. "Vibranium. Two of my planets strongest metals." I hold out on finger from my right hand, and run it across his cheek quickly. He winces as the hot metal of my finger nail scratches him, making him bleed his purple blood. "And final, Uru. Your galaxies strongest metal. Once hot, and enters the body and blood stream, you will only have approximately fifteen seconds to live. With you, I believe it would be fifteen minutes, give or take." I quickly fire another arrow at Proxima as she tries to throw me off. The arrow punctures he chest, she yells and shivers as the three hot metals kill her instantly. "Turns out for her, it was only a few short seconds. If you'll excuse me, I have to give my thanks to Corvius. You should feel a slight pinch here about five seconds."

I drags my claws up Thanos's back, causing him to fall face first to the ground. I slowly walk to Corvius and smile smugly at him.

"I see you've...evolved, young one." Corvius says in a dark voice.

"And it appears you've misplaced your spear. Allow me." I summon a similar look spear from my metal arm, holding it out to Corvius. He smirks as he grabs it. "Then again, it is forged from my own will, my own Metal of my body." As I say this, I telekinetically bend the spear to where it stabs Corvius in the back. He gasps, and gargles on his own black blood. "Now how does it feel, to be stabbed in the back?" I ask as he falls to the ground, lifeless.

I look over to Thanos and see he's straining for his life. I open my palm of my metal hand, and fire a short range laser beam of hot, molting, metal at his face. He dies quickly, unable to scream his last dying breath. I pick up the glove with the infinity stones and hold it up to the Avengers.

"We now have the power to do what we want with this." I say, projecting my voice as I meet eyes with Peter, then Bucky. "I say, we make a sanctuary. Big enough for all of us, and more. There are more people like us, powerful and strong beings of this planet. To save everyone from threats like Thanos and the Black Order. What do you say?" Everyone murmurs amongst each other, softly discussing.

"I'm with you." Peter says.

"Through thick and thin." Bucky says.

"Whatever it takes." Danny and Steve say.

Everyone soon file in with agreement, causing me to smile.

"In order for this to work correctly. I will need the help of a few friends. The Sorcerer Supreme." Stephen Strange walks forward. "The Scarlet Witch." Wanda walks forward. "And, Professor Lyla." Lyla walks forward.

All three of them stand side by side with me as I hold up the glove in the air. It levitates with all four of our powers combined.

"With our powers combined as the Avengers, we are capable to become Earths Mightiest Heroes!"

With the help of Stephen, Lyla, and Wanda, all four of us build and create a fortress, a sanctuary, a new home for The Avengers and more to come. What used to be gloom and dark, and filled with threats of the intergalactic kind, is now light and bright and filled with wonder.


Everyone has settled in quite quickly into the new sanctuary, or compound. It is the size of a mountain if I could say. I just changed into some different clothing from my battle clothes, I make my way to the main room and look for my brother and husband.

"Y/N!" Peter and Bucky say as they rush towards me. I wrap my arms around them both and cry into their shoulders.

"I am so sorry for scaring you two." I say into their shoulders.

"I'm just happy you're not actually dead." Peter says.

"Uh-huh. Ditto." Bucky says.

After the group hug, I walk around the main living area, making sure that everyone is okay. I make my way towards Steve, he engulfs me in a hug and starts to sniffle.

"Oh okay Stevie. Why is my big teddy bear crying now." I say, teasing him playfully. I meet his blue eyes and ruffle up his long hair.

"I just missed you. I missed Buck." Steve says softly. "I'm glad he found someone like you."

"The feeling is mutual." I say, earning a laugh from Steve. "Did you already catch up with him?"

"I did, yeah. So, did you take his name or did he take yours? Or did you guys like, merge your names into one?"

"Hyphenate? No. I took his."

Soon night follows, everyone slowly turns in for the night. The only ones still awake are myself, Peter, Bucky, Steve, and Danny. Danny and Peter are cuddled up together on one of the bean bag chairs on the floor while Bucky and are cuddled up on the couch, Steve is on the other side of the same couch Bucky and I are on. Peter put in Lord of the Rings and Tony immediately started making fun of Clint, teasing really. We're currently on the second movie, just started it not long ago. I look over at Steve and see that he's zoning out. I lean over and grab his hand, gaining his attention. I nod my head towards Bucky, nonverbally telling him to scoot closer to us. Steve sits right next to me. I pull the blanket that Bucky and I are sharing over Steve and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Bucky?" I whisper, only loud enough for him and Steve to hear. He hums in response. "Is this okay?" I ask, gesturing to Steve and I. He smiles softly and nods.

"He is your big teddy bear like you said." Bucky says quietly. "C'mere you two."

Bucky pulls me into his lap while I lean into Steve's chest. Bucky rests his hand on my inner thigh and squeezes it gently. I place my metal hand on top of his and run my thumb over his knuckles. I advert my gaze down to Peter and Danny and meet Peter's eyes. We smile at each other, knowing we have earned this moment of our lives. A second chance with the ones we love and care for most.

To be continued.....

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