Characters & Aesthetic

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⚜Don't go to parties, don't drink, steer away from boys, do this Andrea, don't do this Andrea and blah, blah blah are the only things I've heard since I was a kid and I won't deny how pissed it gets me⚜

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Don't go to parties, don't drink, steer away from boys, do this Andrea, don't do this Andrea and blah, blah blah are the only things I've heard since I was a kid and I won't deny how pissed it gets me.

I am the 'perfect daughter' every mother dreams of having. All my life I've lived on my mother's term, I've been the good girl she wanted me to be, I've followed all her strict and uncomfortable rules cause I felt like I owed her my life for picking me up and giving me the life I have. I became a robot who she could just control and make to dance to her wishes and give in to all her demands despite how much i didn't want it and it's all because of the 'perfect reputation' she wants to uphold.

As she always tell her friends; She's my pride, my perfect daughter but in just a night I became her biggest regret and disappointment when he came crashing into my life. Romero Rodrigo.



"Romero--- I almost released a loud moan but he restricted the embarrassing sound by enclosing his hand around my mouth.

"Don't make a sound tesoro, we're in the library" he sucked on my earlobe as his fingers did its work in my pussy.

My whole body was on fire and my legs were quivering like i had a high fever. "Wear something nice, I'll be taking you out after the match" he bit on my neck and left without letting me have my orgasm.

'What a jerk' i mumbled and looked around to be sure no one paid attention to us and luckily the people who occupied the library are serious minded people and not horny asses like myself.

I bit my lip and tried concentrating on the book resting in front of me but how could i, when I'm sexually frustrated and the cause of my frustration was glued in my head and heart like a titanium.

I bit my lip and tried concentrating on the book resting in front of me but how could i, when I'm sexually frustrated and the cause of my frustration was glued in my head and heart like a titanium

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"We're on the court Romero" her melodic voice echoed seductively and innocently in my ears. She bit her lip and hid her shy eyes from my gaze.

Placing my index under her chin I pulled her head up so I can get trap into her angelic soft brown eyes.

"I know that Andrea but no one is here, it's just us" I whispered in her face loving the way she always reacts to my touch.

I closed the space between us and buried my face in her neck taking in the sweet candy scent of her perfume.

"B-but someone could walk--- "Then let them see us bellissima, what harm will it cause" she gawped at me with wide eyes filled with shock then proceeded in hitting my chest.

"You must not be cocky Romero" she pouted and I couldn't help but kiss her lips.

"Alright stay there and watch me play the basketball or do you prefer watching me play something else---

"Alright stay there and watch me play the basketball or do you prefer watching me play something else---

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- mature language & scenes.

- sensitive topics


"This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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In addition, plagiarism is theft and is morally wrong. Do not steal the work of others. Thank you for respecting the author's intellectual property rights."

Dark Euphoria © AuteureAngel 2022
All Rights Reserved ✍️

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