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"Andrea" he clasped his hand around my wrist before I could get down from the car

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"Andrea" he clasped his hand around my wrist before I could get down from the car. I turned my body to face him and for the first time since I met him the emotions in his eyes were clear.

"Thank you for accompanying me today, it means so much to me" his husky voice merged with the silence of the car and created a heart calming tone in my heart. "You don't have to thank me Romero, it was my pleasure being there with you" i whispered which led to a moment of silence and intense stare.

His heated eyes scanned my face, I'm pretty they captured every single details and features of my face and it only made my head try to connect with his through his eyes to figure out what he thinks about when he looks at me that way.

His eyes fell to my lips and unconsciously i bit the soft skin between my teeth. The little action of mine did not help the tension that struck loudly in my heart.

He brought his face closer to mine without breaking the eye contact. My lips parted in delight and anticipation to feel his on it. I was quite irritated that he was taking his time into doing what he was supposed to do so I took the ball in my court.

Grabbing his neck i slammed my lips with his without missing the feeling of his smirk. I didn't let the kiss last for long which he wasn't pleased with but i had to give him a taste of his medicine.

"Andrea" he groaned my name at the back of his throat, the hoarseness of his voice was rough enough to draw my cum to clog in my panty

"Good night Romero" I whispered on his lips and got out. Up until the moment I disappeared from his view i felt his predatory gaze at my back which made me want to go back and give my pussy the satisfaction it needed but I couldn't bring myself to go back because of how tired my body was.

I quickly stripped out of my dress and went into the bathroom to have a warm bath. After my long shower I felt a little bit relieved, it felt like all the burden in my body were washed away by the lather from the soap and the water.

I got changed into a baggy light purple shirt and threw myself into my bed after switching the lights off. Connecting my charger to the phone I closed my eyes in preparation to head into the world of dreams when an older version of Romero flashed into my head.

"I'm in no position to doubt your feelings for Romero but I want you to think about all we discussed today. I want you to figure out what you really feel for my son before it's too late cause when he falls for you which I'm pretty sure has happened already you are in for a joy ride amore. It's not in my place to say this but you should know it; when Romero loves he loves hard".

Our conversation back in the terrace hit hard. I kept tossing and twisting on my bed cause i couldn't get answers to all the mystery in my head and it was slowly killing me.

"Oh lord!" I groaned in frustration and ran my fingers into my curls hoping it will erase the headache that was paving its way into my skull.

Being in love simply means you're putting your heart and life at risk for whatever the journey of your lifetime has set aside for you, it means you're willing to pay a lot of sacrifices as long as it will get you to be with that person and make them happy at the cost of your desires or happiness.

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