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After my last class for the day I hurriedly went back to my room to get ready for my appointment with Ms DelRosa

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After my last class for the day I hurriedly went back to my room to get ready for my appointment with Ms DelRosa.

A pink dress was laid out on the bed already along with a pair of white strapped heels and a matching white bag. A grateful smile pressed on my lips and i sighed in relief. "I'm sure going to thank her for this when i get back" i whispered to myself and waltzed into the bathroom.

I sat in front of the dresser to get myself ready after dressing my body with a lotion and deodorant. I styled my curls up in a bun and used a pin to hold it up to avoid some stubborn curls from escaping the knot and then applied my favorite gloss since I saw no use for a full makeup.

Satisfied with my facial appearance I picked the dress up from the bed and put it on. I got into my shoes and sprinkled perfume on my body.

Giving myself a last glance in the mirror I picked up my portfolio and bag and exited the dormitory. I got to the lobby and pulled out my phone to book a cab when the glass door swung open and he strode in confidently with a heart swooning smile looking all good in the suit he was putting on.

"Romero?" He grabbed my waist to kiss my forehead and I took in the inebriating fragrance of his cologne. "W...what are you doing here?"

He placed his hand on his chest and twisted his face in feign hurt. "Ouch! That hurt tesoro. Of course I came to pick up my girlfriend" my heart swooned at the title and my cheeks heated up in delight.

"You're going with me?" He tucked his hands in his pocket and rolled his eyes. "You ask the silliest question at times Angel"

"I'm sorry. I don't just want you to miss your classes because of me" he sighed and pulled my hands in his. "In as much as my academic is a priority, you are too and I'll always make out time to be with you especially on important days as today and to prevent you from over thinking things, today is Monday, I have no classes today" realization dawned on me and i sent him an apologetic and a grateful smile.

"C'mon let's go, I don't want you to be late" I nodded in agreement and locked my arm around his then we left.

"By the way Damon said he'll meet us there and if he can't make it he'll be there for dinner" he informed me once we were settled in the car.

"He plans on coming too?"

"Yeah. He said he doesn't want to miss being by your side cause he knows how much you've been waiting for this day" I turned my face away from him to hide the tears in my ears.

I remember when I used to seek for God to give me an answer to a particular question that always made me question my existence.

I use to ask him what I did to deserve the loss of my parents and get adopted by Nora. I used to ask that question cause I saw myself as an innocent little girl who committed no sin to deserve the harsh life i was thrown into and now I am going to contradict the question; What did I do to deserve such good people in my life?

𝒟𝒜𝑅𝒦 𝐸𝒰𝒫𝐻𝒪𝑅𝐼𝒜Where stories live. Discover now